1. The girls and I are on book 7 of Harry Potter.
We can hardly put it down. I’ve cried and laughed and stumbled over her brilliant vocabulary.
We read 75 pages aloud yesterday. I’m losing my voice.
Anyone wanna volunteer to come read to us?
Our library’s audio version is due back today so maybe I’ll get a reprieve.
If you’re still unsure about reading Harry to your kids, you can read my first review here and an excellent summary from a Lutheran pastor here.
The 7th movie will be out in November but it’s broken into parts 1 and 2. I think part 2 won’t be out for almost a year.
2. I’ve been painting my bedroom in between reading Harry Potter.
It’s a soft grayish blue. Here’s a sneak peek.
the color is Woodlawn Blue from Benjamin Moore. Love it so far!
3. I really meant to review The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis.
I haven’t done so because I can’t find my book.
It’s a brilliant book, trust me. Although I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t trust someone who can’t find the book
they just finished a week ago.
Since I can’t find that book, enjoy this quote from his book, The Four Loves.
To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken.
If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal.
Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements.
Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change.
It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.”
4. There’s an excellent series on Issues Etc called Christ Alone by Dr. Rod Rosenbladt.
There are five parts and I’ve listened to part 5 three times. Good stuff, I tell you. And a perfect companion to painting.
5. I’m working on my curriculum/lessons plans for this year. I promise to tell you about it soon. The UPS man has become my best friend because of the Amazon boxes he’s delivered to my house. I’m really so excited about what we’ll be doing this year. We’ll still be following the classical model of the Well Trained Mind but we’re adding a few things this go around.
My favorite part of the planning is deciding what books we’ll be reading and what things we’ll memorize. We usually select pieces for memorization from scripture, poetry, good literature etc. We also try to loosely correspond to what we’re studying in history. This is our 3rd year in Story of the World so after we finish the last few lessons on the renaissance, we’ll be studying Elizabeth I to the Forty Niners. Do you have any suggestions for corresponding literature or memory passages from this time period? (the girls are 3rd and 4th grade)
I also have been somewhat interested in Tapestry of Grace and have found their website helpful in finding some good literature pieces.
6. My cousin, who is more like a sister {JamieKnoxville} is in town. I’m meeting my sister today in Knoxville to have lunch and to pick up JK and her daughter Olivia. We’re so excited to have them here for a few days. Wonder if I can talk her into painting with me? You may wanna pray for Stevie.
7. Repentance is such a profound concept. Luther said that repentance should be the posture of the life of the christian; living daily before others and before God in an attitude of repentance. And yet, even that repentance is itself a gift from God. Christ said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
So, what is to be our stance when we are showered with good gifts?
Repentance. Those are bountiful blessings from the kind hand of God that we neither deserve nor can merit.
And what is to be our stance when we are given to suffering?
Repentance. Our suffering only makes sense in the light of the cross.
Lord, forgive our unbelieving and unrepentant hearts. Grant us Your blessed forgiveness and that we obtain faith and life. We are weary from sin and strife. Rescue us with Your love and refresh us with Your life. For the sake of Christ. Amen.
ps. Just found this on youtube. Brandi Carlile {my favorite artist} singing Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain {one of my favorite songs}
And since I let daddy’s birthday slip my mind, I send this out to him. Somewhere in heaven.
Amazon boxes are the best! We’re gearing up for school around here, too. Trying to cram in everything we wanted to do during our summer break.
That quote! My son just had his heart broken. It’s a tough, long story, but I will be sharing that quote with him. It’s so hard watching your children suffer heartbreak, but I know it’s for his good. I want to use the quote on my Thursday post and say I saw it here. Linky love. Thanks.
Edie, I don’t see a picture of the sneak peak of your bedroom color. It sounds like a LOVELY shade of blue (blue’s my favorite color, and I’m especially fond of the soft, muted shades), so I can’t wait to see it — AND your kitchen, too! LOL
I’ve not ever read her books. I’ve seen the movies. I’ve always heard the books were lots better. Now I think I may go and get THIS book just because I want to see what happens!!! I’m EXCITED!!!! Ok Talk with you later, can’t wait to see the kitchen! Miss you!!
Oh how I love love LOVE that UPS man!!!
Such an amazing book! My husband and I cannot watch the movie trailer without getting chills! We are so excited for the movie to come out!
I love the color you’ve chosen. I need you to help with my decorating. I just ordered two more recliners…haha
I volunteer to come read to you and the girls! Love, love LOVE reading out loud. We are starting the Harry Potter series based on your recommendation. I have just finished reading Kim, by Rudyard Kipling out loud to the children. Amazing story that captivates the imagination and fills the kids’ heads with question after question.
aww, edie. enjoy JK and your sis. thinking of you thinking of your dad. {mwah!}
Our family are total Harry Potter fans, I was just thinking of picking up the books and re-reading them again. We can’t wait for the movie to come out in November. My teen boys always buy me whichever HP dvd came out that year. Enjoy the summer.
This is strictly off the top of my head – but when you get to the 49ers, the children (and you) are likely to enjoy a book about the California Goldrush called By the Great Horn Spoon.
That preview from HP makes me so excited!! I just reread the 7th book this summer. SO GOOD!
The harry potter series is a fantastic read. I can’t wait to share it with my sons once they’re older. Your room is coming along great, love the paint color, very soothing.
BTW, I have a giveaway over at my blog http://aspoonfulofdish.blogspot.com, come and check it out.
Hey, Edie! We’re also about to begin the 3rd SOTW book
with historical fiction from Sonlight and Amazon added in. The first book I read (before the kids) is “A Murder for Her Majesty” by Beth Hilgartner. It was fantastic!
We are using Tapesty of Grace this year!!! So very excited!! Really, really good stuff and very organized!
We finished SOTW Vol. 3 last spring and started on book 4. The activity book has wonderful reading selections that go along with each time period. If you don’t have the activity book let me know and I can look up some good reads and send you a list.
I am looking forward to school and getting into all the fun of learning new things each day. Sometimes I am more excited than the kids are.
I would love to come visit and read aloud to you and the girls. Maybe my kids can come and we can take turns so I don’t lose my voice.
I will be following your homeschooling closely since we are in the middle of SOTW3. It’s nice to learn from people a little farther along.
Thank you so much for this simple post. I am one of those Christians that steered clear of anything Harry Potter for years just because I was told that it was “bad”. Thank you for helping me to realize that I was letting earthly “men” decide what I watch and read to my children when it should have been between me and God the whole time. The audio from the Lutheran pastor was really good! and I went back and read your other post about this from last Fall as well. Thanks Edie for the “DUH” moment… DUH, why am I letting others tell me how to be a good Christian?
edie, i found your blog through southern gal, and i love your words, the way you read to your children and the way you decorate your home… your heart bleeds through post. it’s beautiful. e.
Regarding memory passages – For Elizabethan times – Elizabeth I’s speech at Tilbury when she said, “I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too.”
For US history – the Preamble to the Constitution, Preamble to the Declaration of Independence.
I love hearing about your homeschooling! Thanks for introducing me to the Well Trained Mind.
Have you tried any of Diana Waring’s history curriculum?
I used one when my son was in middle school. Not sure if it encompasses elementary, but she lists great books, craft ideas, music, food, etc. to go along with each chapter.
Have you tried any of Diana Waring’s history curriculum?
I used one when my son was in middle school. Not sure if it encompasses elementary, but she lists great books, craft ideas, music, food, etc. to go along with each chapter.
I can’t wait to hear what you are going to do!
Just wanted to pipe up and say that we use Tapestry of Grace and love, love, love it!
Too funny! I just painted my little guys room Woolawn Blue too! Isn’t it just gorgeous?!
We’re expecting some Amazon boxes this week, too – full of Tapestry books! It’s our first year using it (we have 3 kids in 3 levels), and I love how organized it is … since I am not. 😉
LOVE that bedroom paint color. I’ve never painted anything blue … so, I’m thinking it’s time!
Edie – I found your site through A Familiar Path (Melissa Stover). My family recently vacationed in Knoxville. I didn’t realize you lived near that area. It was just beautiful and we loved it. I posted a bunch of photos from it – tell me if I’m crazy b/c I don’t live there, but we thought it was great and have been considering moving in that direction. http://anundeservedlife.blogspot.com/2010/07/summer-vacation-2010.html
PS – I’m not a blue fan at all, but your bedroom color is quite comforting!
Thank you for posting that beautiful song by Brandi Carlile. I have never heard of her before today and I already have put her on my wish list.
I am so interested in what you do with homeschooling. I don’t homeschool, we are in private, but it has crossed my mind more and more lately. Thank you for sharing what you are doing.
Lastly, thank you for the repentance reminder. We are struggling here with the recent layoff of my husband and I have been angry with God for doing this to us. I am beginning to realize that rather than turn away I should be bowing down. He has a plan and this is my opportunity to be refreshed. Thank you for sharing His blessings.
Do you think having Harry Potter in our homes is what God would want for His children