1. By day, I’ve been teaching my girls and then traipsing to dance classes and then over to the old house to get it ready to sell. I love that house. I will always love that house. It’s like visiting an old friend—who’s wearing a really cool turquoise dress. By night, the kids have enjoyed some adventure swimming.
2. My new kitchen installation has been delayed a bit but is set to go in on June 1st.
3. Taylor’s home from college and is enjoying lake life with his friends. Caiti wrote me the most endearing card for Mother’s Day–that I keep by my night stand and read over and over.
4. I’m slowly but surely adjusting to my new life. There are so many things to love. Soon I hope to do some fun projects around this place. For now, it’s seems mammoth enough to grocery shop and make dinner and do laundry (and school and sell a house and design a kitchen, etc etc etc)
5. The girls and I are in the middle of book 6 of the Harry Potter series. I’ve said it before but I am deeply indebted to Jo Rowling.
6. I’ve been listening to lots of CD’s from the homeschool conference and oh my word—–such good stuff. I’ve learned so much about my kinesthetic learner from Stephen Guffanti. I’m ordering his book soon, “Does my Child Really Have ADHD.”
7. I’m tempted to attend the CCLE conference in June. Gene Veith will be there and the topics look fantastic. I could so be a conference junkie.
8. I’m reading A Little Book on Joy by Matt Harrison. What a fantastic read—very joy inducing!
9. I’ve been listening to an amazing 2 hour bible study on Leviticus (from the Issues Etc 24) and it may be one of the best bible studies I’ve ever listened to. Who knew that Leviticus was so chocked full of goodies.
10. As our school year winds down, I’m debating our summer plans. How much time should we take off if any? I like the idea of summer vacation but shouldn’t it be a couple of weeks long instead of a couple of months? Don’t we now live in constant summer vacation at this lake house? What camps should we sign up for? What books should we read? Can we master the math facts and have fun doing it? After listening to Andrew Pudewa‘s talk on mastery learning, I realize that we’re conditioned to learn things and then forget them. I spent 20 years in school doing that and I hope I can create a different paradigm for my kids.
11. I apologize to those of you who have emailed me that I haven’t answered yet. I’m not on my A game but I’m trying catch up. Some of you are trying to decide about homeschooling for next year and you’re torn about what to do. Here’s my 2 cents. I’ve never done anything in my life (including medical school) that has so changed me and challenged me as homeschooling. I am profoundly thankful for the opportunity to do it and I am learning everyday, often by my mistakes. To do it right, you must lead by example and my example setting is so incredibly flawed. I am more in tune with my children than ever, which can sometimes be disturbing. Why? Because when you see them clearly day in and day out, you see your own struggles and sin manifested in them. It’s like looking in the mirror and seeing yourself for what you really are. But just like with our spiritual life, the redemption is sweet. We fail miserably and we forgive and start over the next day. It’s all at once beautiful and tragic and profound. I say, if you’re pondering and thinking and researching about it, just do it. You won’t regret it.
12. Lastly, I’ve been pondering boy names. I don’t know why. No, I’m not pregnant. Let me repeat, as much as Steve and I would like more kids, it’s probably not possible and I’m NOT PREGNANT. However, if I were, I think I’d name him James Elijah Wadsworth. James: after my daddy. Elijah: after Elijah the prophet Wadsworth: after his daddy. And his nickname would be Jack after C.S. Lewis (whose nickname was Jack). His initials would be JEW and Christ was a Jew, ya know.
So there. That’s my numbered list.
And if anyone has seen my mojo, I’d really like to get it back please. This barely surviving business is for the birds.
Love ya and thanks for all your well wishes and your ‘for goodness sakes would you blog something’ remarks!
Typically, we don’t take summers off. However, when I have had a really stressful life event, I do so that I can get things done and be ready for the next school year. I will pray for you as you make this decision.
LOL Oh Edie, your list convinces me that we are SO alike, lol! I think your more organized and on top of your game in the homeschooling dept though, lol. I’m definately picking up that ADHD book!
I’m debating on which summer camps the boys will do. And I think we are going to do “light” work all through the summer. Maybe not everyday, but when the weather is yucky and educational games as well. Just got introduced to a game called “The United Scrambled States of America” it’s based on a book (and can be bought with it)and Kris is loving it and a FUN way to learn States, Capitals and Nicknames of them! Thinking about attending the homeschooling convention in Rochester. Just went to a used curriculum sale and got some great stuff!
On the baby front. I admit I have baby fever, I’ve had it since Madelyn was born and it HASN’T gone away yet!!! I was hoping and wishing that someone would drop one or two babies off here for me to keep? Think that’s a possibility?!?! We did IVF for all 3 of ours, so not sure if we will be blessed again. We’ll see if we are blessed again, but if not, I’m ok with that too. I just might have to get another one “Raising Arizona” style! LOL 🙂
I relate to you on so many levels….I jumped back into homeschooling b/c of your advice…and I LOVE it…even on the hardest days!
I also love, love, love Andrew Pudewa and Stephen Guffanti.
praying for your mojo….
duh. i forgot to mention that i have a baby boy on the brain, too. we have 2 biological sons and 1 precious daughter from china….i CAN NOT get a little boy from ethiopia off my brain…or out of my heart. 🙂
it does.not.make.sense. for us to bring another child into our home….except, it makes perfect sense.
is this GOD leading or is it me mothering?
praying, praying, praying and waiting on clarity and direction.
oh, and trusting God is big enough to speak to my husband, who clearly does not have a baby boy from ehtiopia on his mind or in his heart. if this is from the Lord, then so be it.
Love the homeschooling thoughts. I think about it daily for my nine month old. I realize I have a few years to figure it all out, but it is something I am really interested in….so THANKS for sharing your ideas! Also, I agree with you on the Summer vacation thing…everybody needs a little rest and relaxation, but not too carried away!
It’s a blessing to appreciate the beauty in everyday…. I’m so happy that you are adjusting to your “new” life in your new home…btw- love the boy name- too sweet- and sounds like you’ve spent some time coming up with this name… one never fully knows God’s plan….but He knows the desires of the heart….
We love you too Edie!
Good to hear from you! I like it when you check in! Hope you’re well and can’t wait to hear all about your adventures on homeschooling at the lake house! I think i’m going to check into that book “Does my child really have ADHD?” xoxo
13. your blog is to me as hot fudge is to ice cream, goodness! i’ll make my offer sweeter: find me a husband who will buy me your house and give me a man child and we’ll name him your name and call him jew for fun!
we’ve missed you! so glad you popped in for a chat! what a beautiful place to adjust to!
One of my favorite posts from you. You dock just looks like a blast. My kids would LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that. Unfortunately they are such city kids….. ****sigh****And I’d be forcing them to wear lifevests! Hahaha! I know I should lighten up, huh?
{miss you, edie!}
just think, we have FRIDAY to look forward to! ugh.
I have missed hearing from you but know that it’s a busy time for you. I loved this post~You shared your heart and thoughts with us. I know that I have been encouraged. I agree with the summer vacation. We still do some school work every week during the summer break. I usually have review books and lots of reading lists to be completed. The first couple of weeks are a total break to regroup and organize~which I desperately need.
I am looking forward to all the fun and beautiful projects you will share with us. Hope your home sells well. If we were nearby I would snap it up in a heartbeat. Any good banking jobs there? Maybe hubby will agree to move! LOL
Great to hear what you are doing with your days. It’s not too far off from what I’m up to. Selling a house and moving is exhausting, I’m not doing my best homeschooling lately but I’m trying. Glad I don’t have to remodel a kitchen right now, though it’s not too far off…soon I’ll be building a house fromt he ground up. Eeeks! That lake looks so fun! For now we are hitting the local aquatic center to cool down. We are already hitting 100 degree’s. Take care, Jess
Ah … so glad to see another post from you (especially since I’ve been thinking of you and all I could think of to post on your last post was a big ol’ ROLLLLLL TIDE and I didn’t think that was appropriate:)).
Oh, Edie, you’re real, you’re deep, you’re you … you make my heart smile.
Keep up the good fight.
Blessings to ya!
I haven’t emailed you about homeschooling but, #11 on your list struck a cord with me. 🙂 I’m pondering….back and forth wether to homeschool next year. The mention about your own sin and struggles being manifested thru the kiddos is what humbles me most. Thanks for the vote of confidence to all of us mama’s questioning another year of homeschool.
Blessings & happy summer!
Hi there!
I just found your blog. I really enjoy your writing style. I’m going to have to look into your homeschooling info. Our son is going to pre-k next year, and after that I need to decide what to do. I think school will be good for him early on (Christian School) but am not sure about the future. My mom (who homeshcooled me for 2 years) said it requires a very organized person…which I’m NOT. So I do get a little concerned.
I’ll let you know if I see your mojo lying around. 😉
I’m looking for my mojo as well. I hate being in a funk. We have been going through endless (at least it seems like no end in sight) home improvements and my mojo disappeared for a time. But now it is slowly coming back, bit by bit. Hang in there! Can’t wait to see how your kitchen turns out.
Edie, My mojo must have taken leave of absence with yours! I just cannot seem to find it anywhere. I am headed to Moultrie, GA to give my almost 80 year old mother a shower and shampoo and blow-dry her hair. She is the most precious woman on the face of this Earth! It is most humbling and heart-breaking to strip her of all her clothes and help her into the tub. Sometimes I cry all the way back home and ask the Lord why her? If there ever was a saint, it would be my Momma! But at the end of the day, I know I am blessed to share such intimate times with her. My almost 84 year old father still maintains the almost 2.5 acres our family home sits on. Love ya! Gotta go–times a’wastin!
yeah! love your numbered list and love your little imaginary boys name!
i posted my front porch furniture the other day and linked up to you due to two of the pots out there. . . .visit sometime if you get a chance!
have a great week!
Edie…I am so totally there with you on everything you said RE: homeschooling. I’m taking Kate out of the 1/2 classical school and going full time homeschooling. Crazy, yes I am. But as you bear witness to, it is a beautiful crazy.
Your house looks like such fun. Tom and I were just looking at some lake lots because the prices here in Huntsville fell a lot real estate wise….but it’s still just a dream.
We’re actually more actively looking for a farm house with a small lake (hmmm…I guess that would be POND!)
I haven’t written any comments lately because we’re so crazy here, but I have stopped by to read regularly. We finished Mulan but now it’s on to a mini opera (oxymoron, I know) and a summer workshop I’m directing and summer camps (Kate’s doing horseback riding!!! And we’re all going to do a mini Space Camp time because they have THE STAR WARS EXHIBIT HERE!!!! YAHOO!!!!)
I hope that you can stop by my little blog and take a peak. The new camera has been SUCH FUN and really is akin to my poetry paradigm and I’m learning quickly how to use it (though I still have FAR to go….but it’s great learning along the way) and “see” things differently. TEXTURE RULES!!
As always, Jesus is amazing and I fall into His arms every day in gratitude and quite frequently in exhaustion.
Actually, that’s how it is with Tom, too. Hmmm…..I see a correlation there!
I pray that you are great and from the looks of it you are, missing mojo or not, you’re still an inspiration and we faithful readers will remain faithful readers even if you can’t post as often as you used to. It’s OKAY!
We all still love you, even if you post only once a month!!!!
So take that pressure off yourself and ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY that beautiful home and those beautiful children!!! (I only like to tell someone what to do when it’s a FUN telling them what to do!)
Now, off to walk since my butt has gotten bigger than the size of Buffalo–the city, not the animal(thyroid is way off again–going back to Vanderbilt/they’re going to up my medicine/try some different things/take another MRI of my pituitary)and there’s something about walking/running that clears the mind, as cliche as that is!!!
Love in Christ,
I have loved reading about your homeschooling tips, etc. on here. This was my first year homeschooling, and I was TOTALLY overwhelmed most of the year! But yet……I am going back for more next year. My whole mindset changed as I watched my children grow and learn, and I saw the joy of that connection with my kids.
And…..I have an adorable little Elijah, so I am partial to that name. 🙂 If you ever do have a boy, I vote for that name added to the mix somehow.
Love your blog, beautiful and inspiring. My married initials are JEW, Jennifer Elaine Warren. I joke that I am one of God’s chosen people.