This is the best giveaway ever.
I say that about everything, don’t I? “The best beef stew ever.” “The best chocolate chip cookies ever.” Okay, so I’m a drama queen. Maybe I just get a little excited about stuff. Is that so wrong? Anyways, my friend Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy, my long lost roommate from Blissdom, has made some custom goodies using my favorite colors. Aren’t they awesome? I want one of everything. And all the items you see below will be packed up and sent to one lucky reader today. Here are the ways you can enter the giveaway: 1. subscribe to lifeingrace if you haven’t already, or 2. update your subscription with my new URL address or 3. Add the lifeingrace button to your blog or 4. Mail me some cupcakes with buttercream icing.
After you’ve updated or whathaveyou, then leave a comment on this post telling me you’ve faithfully complied with all rules and regulations and I’ll try my best to pick you to win this loot from Lindsey. {If your links to me are already updated, then just go ahead and comment away!}
Oh how I LOVE these fabrics!
You have until midnight on Monday March 8th to enter. And Lindsey is giving you 10% of anything in her shop if you use the code ‘grace’. You’ll love her shop and her blog and after spending two nights with her in Nashville, I can tell you she is just as precious as she seems on her blog. Even more so. And she’s the fastest typer I’ve ever seen.
I just updated my Google reader with your new address. I wouldn’t want to miss any of your posts! And please enter me in the giveaway. The Pleated Poppy has so many wonderful things.
You are in my reader for sure!!! Please enter me to win the yummies from Pleated Poppy….also one of my favs!
I wonder how many cupcakes with butter cream icing you’ll get? 🙂
Good morning!
I just have to tell you that I always love a giveaway and I love Lindseys stuff even more. I have been following her site for months…that is actually how I came across your site, which is now a daily read. I have now subscribed to your site so keep those yummy recipes and decorating ideas coming!!
Jamie Wynberry
Wow! what a giveaway. this may just be the BEST GIVEAWAY EVER!!! I just added the Life in Grace button to my blog.
I love your blog and I love the Pleated Poppy! I hope I win! I have your new address in my reader, and I’m subscribed…
Beautiful Colors! I have you in my reader and always enjoy your posts! All the best!
LOVE the colors! Just the notebook alone puts a smile on my face.
Ok, Edie… seriously, how fantastic that it all MATCHES your blog!? I love it! Seriously love it! I’ve been reading Lindsay’s blog since you mentioned it before you left for Blissdom! She seems great. Also, I already do everything you required except the BUTTON deal…. but I don’t do buttons so I hope that doesn’t disqualify me!? 🙂 Hugs to you… hope your weekend was fantastic in every way!
I complied and these are my favorite colors too!
I updated your URL address. 🙂
Oh, I’m a follower! I obey the rules. And if I was a stalker and new where you lived, I might even send you cupcakes. 🙂
Wow, love your blog! I have recently discovered Lindsey’s beautiful creations, and man I would LOVE to win!!! Thanks for the great giveaway!!!
Ok, I meant to say that I am a new follower, and I also finally figured out how to add your button to my blog. I am a blogging dummy and need major help to do just about anything on there!
Thanks again!!!
I subscribe!
Love those colors! I have admired the Pleated Poppy’s stuff for a while. So much cuteness!
Keeping my fingers crossed!
I follow you and the Lindsey in my reader:)
I had already updated. I did add your button to my blog, though.
Love these!
I follow you & your inspirational blog in my google reader. Not sure where you live – but I think its much father south than me so by the time buttercream icing cupcakes got to your doorstep they would be frozen from New England weather. Sorry!
Oh the colors are just fab. The sweet design…the poppy pins…oh I would just love to win.
(details…I am a follower. I read each and every post. I see when you add a new one on my iGoogle page. Oh and I love your pictures.)
I subscribe in Google Reader! These are GORGEOUS.
these are great! would love them!
I’m all subscribed up! love those colors together…too cute!
Completed all requirements for the “loot from Lindsay”. Well, except the cupcake thingy…but only cause I don’t have your shipping address. 🙂
I just added your button to my blog! 🙂
What a fabulous giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
I was already subscribed, but I re-subscribed to fix the address. Love the giveaway!
Love your blog!! Thanks for the chance 🙂
I subscribe to your lovely blog!
What a fun giveaway! Thanks for sharing Lindsey’s talent with all of us!
I subscribed! I love your blog b/c I live in Knoxville, have a daughter named Eadie, and, of course, enjoy your style. Pick Me:).
Wow, I am so technollogically challenged. I did subscribe (or re-subscribed, I think). You are now on my google homepage – very cool. Please enter me in the drawing for the BEAUTIFUL prizes!
I faithfully complied with all rules and regulations!! Now will you faithfully try to pick me????? Love your blog!!!
I subscribe to Life in Grace and I want ALL those goodies!
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Love it!
I’m a subscriber! Ever since you did all the crafts around Christmas with some of Darby’s delightful crafts, I have been a follower. Love reading!
ummm…yes, please.
I want each and every piece of this giveaway! AND I love the colors too.
I updated my reader…I already subscribed.
I have your new address listed on my blog! I have purchased things from Lindsey before and I absolutely love my little purse and the flowery pins. She’s amazing!
Hi sis! I wanna be in the giveaway! Good luck everyone! I want some of your cupcakes with buttercream icing.
Oh! Those are some of my favorite colors too – you can see them on my blog!!!! Love the Pleated Poppy! I’m a follower and I read your blog daily!!!! When I get home, I’m going to link up to FB and twitter too! Thanks for sharing this!!!!
Been subscribed forever, but you know I stalk you.
Updated you ages ago, again…the whole stalking thing.
And to further exemplify the stalking thing, your button’s been there forever.
Finally, I’d send you some cupcakes with buttercream frosting but I just got done baking super soft sugar cookies with cream cheese frosting that are TO DIE FOR!!!!!
Added your website to googlereader. Thanks for sharing the pleated poppy!
I’ve followed all of the rules! The only thing I can’t do is bring the cupcakes, but I so would if I weren’t stuck on bed rest! I loved Pleated Poppy, super cute stuff!
Im all subscribed up!
Pick me pick me 🙂
LOVE this.
I am updating my button with your new button…and I am swooooning over this giveaway! (Now who is the drama queen?):)
I subscribe to your blog and enjoy following it! What a beautiful giveaway!
I love that notebook! Thanks for having such a great giveaway – best ever! 🙂
I updated my subscription. Thanks for the reminder (!) and for hosting this giveaway. Love the colors!
Hi, I just subscribed. I have been reading for some time but just had you listed under my “favorites”. Oh, and those fabrics are so pretty!!!
I have subscribed with Google Reader!! (You have been a permanent fixture in my links for quite some time though!) Sign me up for those beauties!!
I’m a subscriber. (and I love those colors too!)
Edie, I love your colors, too! Aren’t they fun!!! Count me in for the contest! Hugz to you today!
I am a new subscriber with Google Reader. I love these giveaway items and the colors.
I updated in google reader and I added your button to my blog! Yeah for roommies! I miss mine terribly too!
I subscribed and I kept the old button! (i like the circle so much!) Those are fantastic fabrics!
And thank you for sharing your Lenten reflections… I’ve appreciated reading them.
I LOVE your blog, Edie! I’ve been coveting your kitchen cabs for months, and ask for forgiveness for that every day. 🙂 I just subscribed, so hopefully, I will win the Pleated Poppy goodies!!
Have a blessed day!
I subscribed to your new address!
I’ve updated so now I’m following you at your new address.
What an adorable giveaway!
I read your blog every post, but now its official I guess? : )
You’re on my google home page. Please enter me, please please please. I wish I had a blog to show you our new craft room, inspired by none other than YOU! And I wish you could see all the loud “oh, so true!” “mmmm-hmmmm!” and “well said”s from the email you so kindly sent me regarding Beth Moore. Also loved the post on broken….so, thanks so much for all the ways your blog has blessed me! Denice
My subscription was already updated. Love your blog (we share the same favorite colors), and am planning to try your fish tacos soon! Have a great day!
My subscription is already updated, I think. I went ahead and updated anyways. I’ve been a follower for awhile. I LOVE turquoise and red together.
I have updated my reader! What a fantastic giveaway!
I updated my reader:)
OK, I “think” you are kidding but what if every commenter mailed you cupcakes with butter cream frosting!! That will DEFINATELY be a pre-requisite in my next giveaway!!
My blog proudly displays your buton:)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Blissodm brought you two together..she is way over here in my neck of the woods and you’re both dear to my heart.
I’ve subscribed! & I’d love to win. Thanks!
Just updated your URL in my google reader … love Lindsey & her shop!!
following! And why not? I type your URL in every day anyway! 🙂 Great giveaway!
Love, love, love your blog! I’ve tried some of your recipes – yum, yum. I enjoy Lindsey’s blog too. These red and turq fabrics are adorable.
I’ve added you to my reader..would love to win!
Subscribed! Goodness knows I stop by often enough!
I love The Pleated Poppy! I would LOVE to win!
I’m a subscriber in Google Reader.
I’m SUCH a fan, follower and fellow ‘drama queen’ 😉
I have followed you forever girl!! You are my hero!! When I get some extra funds…lottery maybe…I am going to do my kitchen just like yours!! I carry a list in my purse of the things you have done and paint colors….etc!
It would really be a pick me up to be a winner, bad day!
Here’s to hope!
Valley + Madigan
I subscribe in Google reader, and I also subscribe to The Pleated Poppy and would love to win this fabulous giveaway!
Yipppeee! This IS a great giveaway! I’m a follower of your lovely blog.
Kendra “Domestic Princess in Training”
Just subscribed! These are just lovely!
I’ve subscribed to your blog (though I’ve been reading for months), I’ve subscribed to the Pleated Poppy (who I’ve also been secretly following) and added you as a friend on Facebook! Hope I covered all my bases! LOVE everything by Lindsey at the Pleated Poppy and would totally send you my famous carrot-cupcakes with buttercream frosting if I thought it would get there by 8pm tonight!
Subscribed and updated the button. Love ya!
OH PLEASE PICK ME!!! I LOVE Lindsey!! and her shop full of goodies!!
and if I could I’d send you cupcakes w/buttercream icing from Texas!!!
thannks for the add!
Thanks for all your uplifting posts! I LOVE checking in with you everyday. We tried to make buttercream frosting-ed goodies for you…but they didnt make it out the door…sorry! :o)
I subscribed!
I followed all the rules and regulations… besides send you cupcakes since I don’t have your address… ;)… but I would for this ADORABLE giveaway! Crossing my fingers!!!
I’m already all updated. Those are some of my favorite colors, too. I’ve had them in my kitchen and dining and living rooms. They are just so fresh. And I love the Pleated Poppy and so I’m going to need you to mail those goodies to me right away. If you do, I’ll go ahead and mail you cupcakes … as well as the best chocolate cake EVER. So there. Go ahead and pick me. You know you want to! : )
Oh this is the best giveaway EVER! I love the Pleated Poppy and the color combo is to die for!!! But of course you knew that! 😉
I am a subscriber and updated it! Now pick me please!
Lovey lovelies!! Love the colors!! I have subscribed!
I’ve updated my Google Reader and would love to win the goodies! Pick me Pick me!
I love following your blog and your “best ever” recipes. Just wish I could get my kids to eat hot sauce (I’m sure they will when they get older!).
you’re already in my reader!! i will send those cupcakes as soon as i figure out how to make buttercream frosting. those pleated poppies are adorable!
HI, Edie
I’ve updated and am now following in my google reader instead of just looking your blog up everyday.. I love these goodies,, hope I win.
Love the cute items! The notebook is ADORABLE!!!!! I have updated my reader and added you to my list on my blog! I have been a “silent stalker” for a while now! Love your blog! You have so much insight. It is amazing how many good blogs you come across just by reading someone else blog! Keep the great posts coming! Have a WONDERFUL day/night!!!!!
I subscribe on bloglines which is how I knew to come here and comment. Would love to win. Your cupcakes are in the mail.
I just subscribed to your blog and now it is on my Home page! Love your great colors on the poppies!
Edie- Your blog is inspirational, and you never cease to amaze me. I am pretty sure that I have faithfully complied with your rules for this giveaway and I would LOVE to win! So….pick me!
I’m a subscriber and your button is on my blog 🙂 What a great giveaway, thanks for sharing! I love those pins… makes me wish I could sew!
i love your blog and have just subscribed even though i have been reading for awhile! thanks for such a fun little giveaway! all of that loot is so adorable!
You’re updated. OOOOOO, I love this give away. Darling stuff!!
Hi Edie,
I already follow you…LOVE your blog by the way…and I just added your button. Keep the good stuff coming!
Hi Edie!
I have recently discovered “Life in grace” through a dear friend. I used to be of the mindset that getting married and having kids meant an end to fun adventure. However, after reading your blog it appears that I’m wrong! I want to be you when I grow up (I’m 23) and homeschool my kids and redecorate and have a craft room and bake and read! Thanks for being so inspiring!
P.S. The pleated poppy goodies are just fabulous!
Would love to have a little color in my life!
I have you in my google reader at your new address. I love your blog, and would love to win this giveaway…such cool things!!
I’m all updated in my Reader. What a fab giveaway, I LOVE the fabrics!
I just updated my Google reader with your new address. I wouldn’t want to miss any of your posts! Please enter me in the giveaway. The Pleated Poppy is awesome.
I just updated my Google reader with your new address. I wouldn’t want to miss any of your posts! Please enter me in the giveaway. The Pleated Poppy has so many beautiful things.
I updated your blog address bar. I would love to win the fabulous giveaway!!
You’re in my RSS reader – both on my computer and my mobile RSS! If I’m away, I don’t want to miss your eloquent prose. Much love.
I added you to my google reader and your button too to my sidebar and I’m a subscriber. How lovely is the giveaway! Thanks to your sweet friend! Suzie
Pick me! Pick me!
Updated my Google reader with your new address.
Oh yes You are in my blog roll! I love visiting! Especially with awesome giveaways like this!
I hope you sure pick me now!!!!
I, Melinda Pulattie, have fully and completely complied with all the above stated regulations!!!! But I kept the cupcakes, sorry!!! I love the Pleated Poppy and would just love to win the prize!!! Also, wanted to tell you that I read your blog faithfully and love it! You are so inspirational and true! Thank you for that!!
I’m all moved over to the right blog and everything!!!
I subscribe and read faithfully! 🙂
I am a subscriber and love reader your blog and being inspired by you.
Wowsers…this IS really the best giveaway. EVER. Lifeingrace + Pleated Poppy goodies + red AND turquoise TOGETHER…as Elaine says on Seinfeld. SHUT.UP!
I subscribe (and happy I do) and have your new URL…I tried to send the cupcakes 😉 – however, the post office said they ‘had’ to open the package (as I sent it media mail and it’s all subject to opening)…all I have to show is the return to sender box from the post office. Really? No…we just finished our cupcakes yesterday…if I would have known, I would have baked you a cake!
peace and blessings to you –
catherine s.
enter me in this fun contest~!
Thanks, paula
I’ve posted your little square on my blog and am so excited that I figured out how to do that! This post and the “fabric” reminded me that I need to blog about my grandmother. How, you say, did I come to that connection? You see, she passed away this week and one of the treasures I came home with was a hand-made quilt made by her many many years ago (so long that some of the squares are missing).I’d better get on over to my blog and start writing.
These poppies are beautiful (just had another idea, I gotta get away from here!!!)
man…how did i miss this? miss you both too! those items are beautiful-ness!
What cute items, I’d love to be the winner! I’m going to add your button to my blog.
Great giveaway! I subscribe to the blog!
I have updated your new blog address in my friend list. cannot wait to try fish tacos on Friday
I subscribe…and I’d send you cupcakes but I live in Canada and by the time they got to you, I think they would be that good. But I’d do it if it ensured I won these qt’s. Hehe. 🙂
I’ve updated my subscription – thanks!
Red & turquoise – be still my heart!
I subscribe in google reader!
I have your button on my blog!
I am a new subscriber. Love your blog – I have been following since I read your post about Lent. Because of it, I am observing Lent for the first time ever.
I would love to win the Pleated Poppy goodies!
I must be living under a rock because I have never visited the Pleated Poppy. I love these fabrics, too. Would love a chance to win. I have added your blog button to my blog.
Hi Edie — already a follower and loving the Pleated Poppy’s stuff!:)
New Subscriber!! Love the colors!!
Added the button to my blog!
i rarely subscribe to blogs, but with how much i love the covered notebooks, i thought i’d peek around. it’s beautiful here. i love it. so, i’ll stay. =) subscribed.
i’m pretty infatuated with your aqua armoire. there was one like that at pottery barn a few years ago that i was obsessed with and regret not purchasing!
updated. pick meeeee!
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