I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Blissdom last year. I left the conference sure that I would attend it again. And it’s hard to believe that it’s just one month away. To give you time to gather your survival supplies, I wanted to do this post early. So here it is: how to survive Blissdom and have fun doing it!
1. Do start thinking about your goals for Blissdom NOW.
If your primary purpose is to connect with other like-minded bloggers, start doing it now. Send out emails, letting your blog friends know that you can’t wait to meet them. Make plans to meet—-or shop, or share lunch or coffee. The conference schedule is packed but there’s always time for a fun rendezvous with your favorite blogger. If you’ve been dying to meet the Nester, send her a sweet message and tell her so. Meeting her was one of the highlights of the conference for me last year. And she’s just as adorable and warm and down-to-earth in real life as she is on her blog. And she wants to meet you too! {as do I}
If your primary purpose is to learn more about blogging and networking—then do as much as you can ahead of time. Spend some time on Twitter or Facebook or Flickr or Stumble Upon and learn something new about blogging or social media. The more you already know, the more you’ll gain in understanding when you’re there. And maybe most importantly, blog! You will meet new people who will start to follow your blog after Blissdom. Give them some great posts to read from your archives. Try writing one post a week that you are really proud of—–edit it and edit it again until it’s a post that you just know others will want to link to.
And work on your blog. Declutter it. Make it a friendly, inviting and informative place to visit.
2. Do decide whether you want to hand out business cards/goodies/etc.
Nearly everyone will have business cards for their blogs/businesses. It’s an easy way to meet and greet and then later you’ll have easy access to finding your new friends’ blogs without trying to remember the names of everyone you met. A LOT of people gave out goodies last year. I took little bags of my chocolate chip shortbread cookies to friends I knew already and a few to folks I wanted to thank for being mentors to me. If you have a business, it’s a great way to make an impression. Last year, Kristi from Pink and Polka Dot {my roommate this year} made me the cutest keychain with my name monogrammed on it. I nearly cried. Don’t feel pressure to do something like that but if you enjoy baking or sewing, it’s a good way to say “thank you” or “I have a blog crush on you” or whatever it is you want to say.
3. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
The two weeks before Blissdom, everyone will be posting about clothing and shoes and what-to-wear-to-the-cocktail party. Just be yourself. I promise you; noone cares or will remember what you wear. Stacy and Clinton won’t be there to haul you off for wearing your acid washed jeans and Valentine’s sweater. It’s fun to talk about and think about a little but it’s really not important. {small caveat: Nester had on the cutest black cocktail dress I have ever seen last year—-so it’s possible someone will remember—-but still don’t sweat it}
Jeans and a black sweater is always a safe place to start. It’s fun to take what would be plain-jane outfits and make them perfect with accessories. Make some cute felt flower pins to attach to stuff you already have.
And wear cute earrings. But for heaven’s sake don’t break the bank to try to come up with wonderful new outfits. I bet you have the perfect thing in your closet right now—-with just a little mixing and matching and accessorizing.
And though I always give it the old college try, we’re probably not gonna lose that last 10 pounds. You are most beautiful when you are comfortable in your own skin. We love you just the way you are. I promise. And we didn’t know you when you were 20 with no wrinkles and a size two. K? We’re all in this together. We’re raising kids and nurturing families and most of us bare some signs of it. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
4. Don’t let your inner 7th grader take over.
And we all know she’s in there. My inner 7th grader wears long tube socks, has a mullet and a fair amount of acne. And she’s nervous. And wondering if she’ll fit in?
{on careful 2nd perusal, my inner 7th grader looks like she’s gonna win this basketball game or somebody’s gonna get hurt—-but you see the point I’m trying to make. I smile a lot more these days. And I don’t have a mullet.}
“Will anyone recognize me? Know me? Will I remember names? Will I feel left out? Will it be like the lunch table at junior high where I’m looking around for somewhere to sit and hoping noone sees my anguish?
We all feel the same way. So the best remedy for you is this; do for others what you’re hoping everyone does for you. Introduce yourself. Notice if someone is alone and needs a friend. Do some research ahead of time and see who’s coming. Search them out. Make them feel welcome and offer to sit with them. I’m also asking that anyone who is coming to Blissdom alone leave a comment on this post and let’s make plans to meet at some point. And please, if you see me at at the conference and I don’t know you or recognize you, please introduce yourself. I can’t wait to meet you. You are why I’m making the trip. If it helps, imagine that every one you meet is wearing long tube socks, has a mullet and a fair amount of acne.
I’m making a list of people that I’ve never met before that I want to meet. And folks I met last year that I can’t wait to see/hug/invade their personal space. There is almost nothing like it—-seeing the person across the room that you’ve read about and grown to love—and finally meeting them face to face. So make your list. And then leave plenty of room in your heart for all the wonderful bloggers that you didn’t even know about.
5. Do find ways to serve.
Look for opportunities to be helpful and encouraging. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Noone is intentionally trying to be snobby. Some people are painfully shy in real life. Some people {I’m not naming any names but she used to have a mullet} are notorious huggers and invaders of all personal space. Many people will have their babies with them. Offer your help. Offer to fetch a soda or some crackers. Many of your fellow bloggers are in the midst of real life heartaches. Be gracious and understanding. Go the extra mile.
Tell Alli and Barbara how much you appreciate all the thankless hours of hard work they put into making the conference such a success. Tell the speakers what a great job they did. Find positive, encouraging things to say and say them, frequently. Pretty soon, your conference will be wonderful because you made it that way. You took the time to be kind and to place others ahead of yourself.
Be generous.
Be the first one to speak.
Smile a lot.
Don’t wear tube socks.
That about covers it. What did I leave off? Add your advice to the comments.
I can’t wait to see you! Make sure to leave a comment if you’re coming and especially if you’re coming alone. Heckle the mullet at your own risk—-I’m even a little afraid of my inner 7th grader!
You rock, my friend. I couldn't have said it better.
And I can't wait to see you! Hugs and all. 🙂
I just went online to check this out…it looks really fun…they have so many workshops! I'm thinking about going to the Saturday sessions…it will probably depend on my husband's basketball games!
As a BlissDom newbie, this was GREAT advice! Thanks for an awesome post (and sneak preview!!!). : )
Fine, I'll take the tube socks out of my suitcase. 😉
I'm still excited though. . .
Question about the sessions….are we given a schedule and we just sit in on whatever appeals to us? This is what I'm used to with Homeschool curriculum fairs…Or do we pick and sign up in advance? Is the cocktail party Friday night? Would a person stand out in jeans and a sweater and scarf? Ne honest! 😉 Also if you felt led to I would love to hear a list from you about what to bring what not to bring. I still haven't 100% made up my mind..but I'm trying to treat it as though I'm going just in case.
I didn't have acne in 7th grade but good Lord I'm making up for it now…apparently my hormones thought it would be best if they went nuts at 33! 🙂
I'm very excited to go again! I had a blast last year and am looking forward to meeting new people and seeing familiar faces!
That should read "be" honest…sorry…I'm trying to type while drinking a cup of tea. 🙂
Do you think my mullet will grow out that fast? 🙂
Seriously – this is a great post! I met the Nester last year – and her sister; they are both so-o nice! I'm so excited about going – and nervous about speaking!
this is amazing, my friend, and you're right…the key chain from Krist was the best. I still use it every single day. 🙂
So, so fun that you are rooming together. YEA! Can't wait to see you again…and the tube socks…cracked me up. Well, you know me…all my outfits I'll be sporting will come in around $10…even when I am speaking 🙂
Can I just say that this is one of the best posts I've read in a long time? There, I just did.
I'm going to Blissdom and this will be my first blogging conference ever. And I am going alone. Being brave and jumping in with both feet.
Newer to the blogging world (I've only been blogging since the last week of September), I am very excited to go, but a bit nervous, too. While I am pretty social, I know it might be a tad intimidating since most seem to have gone to Blissdom before and have close relationships formed already. Unfortunately, many of the bloggers I've become super close with aren't able to go.
So with that said, "Hi. My name is Tamara, aka The (Un)Experienced Mom. I'm looking forward to meeting you at Blissdom. Please excuse me if I have your photo on an index card so I remember what you look like!" (Totally kidding about that last part…I think.) 😉
Since your blue room post, I've been a life in grace lurker! I would love to meet you and I think I'm only going to crash the cocktail on Thursday night. I'll look for you!
Great post!! Thanks so much for all the helpful tips! This will be my first Blissdom & my first blog conference at all. So I'm super excited & also super out of the loop!!
Thanks for posting this, Edie!
I am kind of a bundle of nerves being a newbie and all.
I would love to meet you. 😀
I'm so bummed I can't go. Maybe 2011??
Oh you're killing me with those photos Edie, too funny! I want to go so dang bad. Everyone needs to email my husband and tell him how awesome Blissdom will be…he doesn't understand why on earth I'd want to go.
Email him @ kimballwashburn@yahoo (Not kidding) he's kind of a push over so I think it might work. 🙂
I guess I'll just sit home and wait to hear how much fun y'all had.
Another newbie here. and loner (just to blissdom). and "never-in-my-life-did-i-think-i-would-be-a-blog-conference-attendee" attendee.
I'll be traveling from the other end of TN, you know, the dodgy end. I'll be going Friday night and Saturday. I'm excited and feeling a little 7th graderish right now. Thanks for this post!
I am yet another Blissdom newbie and I am *so excited* to go it's ridiculous.
But I'm definitely feeling a little 7th-grader-ish. Regardless of age, it is hard to go into a situation where it seems as if most people are old friends and you….well, aren't.
I'll be going to the actual conference sessions alone. But my hubby is coming along to take care of my still nursing baby (he's so fabulous, I do just adore him!).
I'm looking oh so forward to putting a few names with faces.
And I can't wait to hug your neck (from one hugger and invader of personal space to another)!
I just said in a blog comment the other day that I really needed a Blissdom 101 Tutorial! You've provided a great one! A million thanks!
(Mama Laundry)
Wishing I could attend and meet all you wonderful bloggers. Have fun!
oh that was great! i can't help but worry about what to wear. all i have are mom clothes. oh and i will have acne!
Newbie attender as well… going for 1/2 work 1/2 personal and excited, nervous, expectant and open.
Thanks for this great post, really! You have made me feel much more comfortable and excited about jumping in!
PS. Your pictures rock.
Aww I wanna go and FYI my 12 year old says "Tube socks are awesome, the funkier the better" and dude…seriously, what's with that mullet?!
Edie, I can't wait to meet you!!! I should send you an email because I for real want to go for coffee with just you.
Thanks for all the advice for this nervous newbie.
Emily@remodeling this life
Blissdom looks really, really informative. Maybe you could give some of us painfully shy in real life people some instructional blogging lessons via your blog when you return. ???
(Don't think about how you are having to pay for your knowledge and we are getting it for free from you.).
Love the 7th grade picture – we all had that hair cut back then!
how is it you look younger now than you did as a 7th grader?! 🙂 love those pics!
Man- you make me wish I was going again. You didn't mention to stop at the local Mac store on the way when you forget your makeup. 😉
yippee! can't wait to see you again! xoxo to you!
I'm not going, so wish I was, but I must say after reading this I'd love to go just to meet you in person. You ooze graciousness and that's a wonderful gift!
I was just chatting last night with Sandy from Reluctant Entertainer… she asked me if I was going and I had no idea it was coming up so fast. I could drive….I don't wear tube socks or have a mullett….I'm and extroverted introvert….should I go? should I go?
I'm not even going to Blissdom, but your post was helpful to me. It was nice to read that other women still suffer from the same anxieties when meeting up in a large group.
I feel like such a nerd-I didn't even know about this Blissdom thing until I started reading about it on several blogs. I saw the link to this on Twitter. 🙂
Hope you have a great time! Maybe if I start saving now, I can shoot for next year…and I'll leave the tube socks at home. 😉
Hi there from Texas! This will be my first time at a blogging conference. I am painfully shy and won't know anyone there. Yes, I am going alone. I would love to meet others. 🙂 I found your blog on Facebook. Thanks for the great post.
Potamus Prefers
This post makes me adore you even more. I think sometimes when blogs increase in popularity & readership the writer feels a little unapproachable. Thank you for reminding everyone that isn't the case here. Have an incredible time Edie!
Absolutely perfect!
Blissdom last year was an amazing experience and i absolutely cannot wait for this year!
Your advice is SPOT ON! Blissdom was my first conference ever. I was tragically nervous – but had the time of my life.
Hope your readers take notes on your advice and enjoy the experience as much as you (and I) did!
Look forward to seeing you there!
I have been to several blogging conferences now and one thing never changes: I'm always worried no one will know who I am and think I'm crashing the party. It's my inner grade 7'er heckling me. She's a real witch.
Great post.
But I disagree with the tube socks. I think it would be BRILLIANT to wear them. I may just do that for when I'm doing my panel session.
Awesome post! I am so bummed we didn't meet last year, but I will be making sure to correct that this year. Especially after Darcy and I bought so much MAC after reading your makeup post – I can't wait to show you my 15 shadow palette *swoon* !
Beautifully said! I can't wait to meet all of you.
This was really great to read. I haven't been nervous about going until the last couple of days. (This is going to be my first Blissdom.)
I am coming to the hotel with my best friend, but she is not going to the conference. (She's going to be enjoying some quiet and time to work on her novel.)
ok, i had the exact same haircut and tube socks and acne…we are the same age, ha! i felt like i was looking at my seventh grade yearbook for a second.
Wish to be there with you, I'm going to your blog every day & it makes me feel better. Bless from France 😉
Fabulous post for this newbie! Thanks so much!
I love your blog and I can't wait to meet you at Blissdom! 🙂
Thank you for this post! I will be attending Blissdom for the first time. I am naturally a shy person. But, I keep telling myself to get over it and go for it at Blissdom!
See you all there!
Renad @Madame Deals
My best advice is to just hang out with the Nester or Edie and people will flock around around you. 🙂
I think what you said about preparing in advance to meet your blog friends is important. I had no idea what to expect and felt somewhat overwhelmed when I got there. I didn't really recognize anyone so felt odd–until you arrived and we saw a familiar face.
I also would have had some spiffy cards made. Passing them out gave everyone a reason to mingle and get to know others. So many people visit your blog during the conference if you pass out cards.
I,too, agree that clothes did not matter at all. Sure, you must wear them, but they were nothing to stress over. Everyone just looked comfortable. I would probably not wear tube socks however unless you want to be stared at.
You are so funny!
I want to be you when I grow up!
Great list! I'm going for the first time this year so this is incredibly helpful to me.
Thanks you for saying this: "We're raising kids and nurturing families and most of us bare some signs of it. I wouldn't have it any other way."
You've completely touched my heart and helped me out of that self-conscious place. I'm really excited to go meet everyone at Blissdom.
One thing I need to figure out is the whole OpenID thing! My blog is Because Babies Grow Up.
Great post! I look forward to meeting you. 🙂
I so wish I could be there….
Sounds like a blast…I have a fun giveaway on my blog…a $100 prize ..comments will be closed on Monday night, but today's entries get extra chances…so stop by and join in the fun.
I was way to embarrassed to meet you last year but I will try to work up the nerve this year.
Thank you, thank you for your post!I will be there and I'm getting more excited as each day passes! Thanks for sharing about your Blissdom exprience! I can't wait to meet everyone!
What a great post! Informative, kind, truthful and humble… oh yeah and funny too. I love the mullet! 🙂 Have a great time and be sure to blog all about it.
God's blessings, Sarah 😀
Great job, Edie! It sounds like so much fun and you're already helping people feel a bit more at ease.
Oh, Edie, thank you thank you thank you. For answering the questions you must have known I was thinking. I will be there all by myself, and I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. See you in February!
Oh Edie, how can you even write a post about attending Blissdom and you still make me tear up! Your such a sweet warm caring person (mullet and all! LOL)
I'm STILL working on trying to make my way to Blissdom….if all of the planets align and there's still time to make it….I'll be sure to let you know, because I'd LOVE to meet you and receive one of your hugs! ♥
(keep your fingers crossed for me!)
HIL-arious! I just posted pictures of MYSELF in 7th grade, today. Oh, 7th grade is so unfortunate isn't it?! Sad to miss out on Blissdom, but I know ya'll will have a great time.
tiny twig
oh. em. gee. 7th grade you.
I soooo heart you.
Going to repost my ghostbuster's t.
Hello Beautiful Edie!
I am excited to say that I am going to Blissdom this year. Very first time and by myself but I am excited to attend anyway! I would love to meet you as I feel we have so many things in common! The love of the Lord for one and the love of a great big family for two!
Hope to see you there!
Many Blessings!!
Great post and advice! LOL! Love tube socks. So cozy.
I would like to add my own two cents to all you shared… there are lots of amazing bloggers at Blissdom and most of them make great friends in real life too, even (and probably especially)if they have small blogs!
Don't feel like Blissdom is all about stalking "celebrity bloggers" and worry that you won't fit in or you'll feel like a "nothing" unless you got to hang out with one of the "popular" bloggers or you are a dork unless you have "the dress" that everyone talked about later.
Blissdom is for everyone. All of us! Yes, have fun finding the big bloggers, but try to focus more on connecting with others in your blogging circle while you are there so you will leave with REAL LIFE friends and connections that will last, beyond the celebrity sightings.
You'll have a great time if you keep this all in perspective… it definitely doesn't have to be a popularity contest or a fashion show (well it might be for some people, LOL).
Ok, I just wrote my own post in your comments. LOL! I'll shush now and put this on my own blog next time.
Thanks for sharing all the helpful advice on Blissdom! Can't wait to see you there!
What a wonderful post. I wish I was going, but alas, I'll keep on waiting. I'm sure this post made some girls fell a bit more comfortable about the adventure that they are about to embark on. Hugs to you!
FABULOUS post, Edie. Thank you so much, just what I needed!! I am looking forward to meeting YOU!
Oh I love it, I wish I was going so we could hang :)!
I'm going. Thanks so much for this encouragement! I saw you last year, but I don't think we got to meet. You were so adorable…so stylish. 😉
Hey Edie…I cannot believe there are conferences completely devoted to blogging! I'm flabagasted 🙂
Have fun Ya'll!
Thank you so much for this post. I really want to go, but I’ll be going alone (if I indeed am able to go) and I was feeling terrified about that. Truly terrified.
I am painfully shy.
Surprisingly shy I’m told.
It often gets misinterpreted as snobby. I hate that.
If you feel someone staring at you but not getting too close—it will be me. Trying to work up the nerve to say hello.
Thanks for the laughs and the tips. I think I have similar photos. I’m so excited – it worked for me to come, since I’ll be in Nashville working on my next album. My good friend, Chris Ann from @LoveFeast (http://www.lovefeasttable.com) is joining me and we can’t wait! We will definitely look for you – she’ll be the one in the memorable outfit – she’s kind of known for that (in a good way). Blessings and thanks for sharing!
This is too cute for words! I need to let my inner 7th grader go. I have a hard time at stuff like this and I need to just be myself. Thanks for the pep talk, coach! 🙂
Girl, I can so relate to all of the above! Great post! I’m looking forward to meeting you!
You should start a Mr. Linky for all the Blissdom attendees to link to a blog with a picture of her 7th grade self! Sort of like a pre-conference icebreaker. 🙂
I’m just sneaking in the side door on Thursday night to meet all the lovely folks I admire through blogging every day. Not actually doing the conference itself. I’d love to meet you, though!
I would love to go to Blissdom. It would be so much fun. I am seriously going to be looking into it for next year. Start planning and see what happens.
I can’t wait to meet you!! You are on my “people I want to hug” list. 🙂
this is my first conference and I am attending alone. This was a great post about information that newbies might not otherwise think about.
Looking forward to meeting you there.
Great post, Edie! I was a newbie last year & had so much fun. This year it will be even better. Your insight is great & yes, there is room for everyone. I personally can’t wait to meet all the new girls that I’ve met in blogging this year & give them all a big hug. You too! Hope we get to hang out even more this year. I am a proud owner of one of those keychains too, LOVE it!
I love this post! I WAS wondering what to wear! lol This will be my first conference and even though my little sis will be there to show me the ropes, I am still nervous.
And I pray that my inner 7th grader doesn’t make an appearance. She used a lot of hairspray and a lot of eyeliner….
I sooo wish that I could attend – but the conference is a little far from New Zealand. I’m most envious of you US and Canadian blogging girls getting to meet up though. I’ll be looking forward to reading all about it.
Oh – and I love the haircut & tube socks 🙂
Lurve you and lurve this post so much that I’m linking to it.
Mullet and all.
Can’t wait to see you again soon!!
This is great! I’m soaking up all these tips for us newbies! I’m beyond excited about going!!!
I only discovered your blog a few days ago and just noticed we’re both from the same city. Would love to meet you at BlissDom!
Hello, Edie! Just when I have come terms with myself that it’s okay that I’m not going to Blissdom, I just want to come even more now to meet you! Have a wonderful time~you would be on my “can’t leave until I meet her and hug her list!” Maybe next year? Have a wonderful weekend~
I’ll be there – hope we get to meet!
I’ll be there and can’t wait to meet you! What a great post! My twin sis Kris (@jessekatedesign) will be there too and I think I just may need to bring our 7th grade pics — eeek!! 🙂
Loved your post and your warm personality shining through! Thank you!!
Kim 🙂
I can’t thank you enough for this post. This is my very first conference, and I can’t tell you how nervous I am. I am VERY shy in person and all I can think about is my inner 7th grader. I’ve already bought too much clothing, and not nearly enough shoes. Anyways, I hope to meet you at Blissdom. You seem really awesome 🙂
Wow! I loved reading this post! I’ve been to other conferences, but this is my first time at Blissdom! I’m really looking forward to it. My sister and I are speaking on a panel on Saturday so I’m very nervous and excited about it at the same time! I would LOVE to meet you!
WOW! LOVE that you showed those pics! Have a great time!!
oh wow – this is great – I just found your site – thanks for saying everything I am feeling – why do all those 7th grade feelings have to come back anyway?? – Totally Excited to meet you!!:)
Hi Edie–I clicked on your link at Nester’s party, and I’m so glad I did! I’ve never been to Blissdom, or to any blogging conference, so I’ve been spending a good bit of time in my 7th grade head. Thanks for the encouragement!
I was wondering if you’d be going to Blissdom, and I’m so glad to know you are. One of my hopes is to meet you in person. And I’d be disappointed if you didn’t hug me–your “hugs and blessings” were the first things about you I loved!
hey sweet richella,
yes, i’m still going to blissdom, at least for parts of it. my sister, my mom, and my girls are coming to nashville with me b/c it’d be too hard to leave the girls at this point. i can’t wait to meet you and hug you too!
bless you friend,
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Информационный центр 100 Баллов работает в области написания студенческих работ более 12 лет. Грамотно подобранный коллектив из преподавателей и аспирантов ВУЗов позволяет нам предлагать услуги отличного качества по конкурентоспособной цене. Red-Dip.ru
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