The days come one after another without my permission. If you asked me to articulate precisely my thoughts and emotions as I wander along in this ‘valley‘, I could not. When Caiti was eight years old, we drove across the Blue Ridge Mountains listening and singing with reckless abandon to “Landslide” from our favorite Dixie Chicks album. Today, I wonder if I’m caught in a landslide of my own. For sure, I’ve lost my footing.
If you have struggles of your own today, maybe you’ll join me in this prayer (taken from the Lutheran prayer book)
Lord, have mercy. Christ,have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Merciful Father, You know how difficult these days are for me. In Your holy word You have promised to hear those who cry unto You in the day of trouble. Listen to my cries for mercy and send me help from the sanctuary of Your grace. Preserve me from bitterness of spirit, and rescue me from every temptation to despair. Calm my frustrations with the knowledge that my life is secure in Your redeeming love, for I am baptized into the death and resurrection of Your Son. Draw me out of self-centered worry, which stifles faith, and cause me to take comfort in the great and precious promises that You have made to me and all believers in the Gospel. Sustain and strengthen me under every cross and affliction, that Your grace might be made perfect in my weakness. Give me confidence to pray without losing heart and to trust in Your mighty deliverance according to Your good and gracious will. Father, into Your hands I commend myself. Hear me, for the sake of Your Son, who alone is my Savior. Amen.
Post edit: I’m joining Darcy’s bloghop this week, featuring homeschool room’s. Click here to see how real mom’s make their spaces work.
Your travels through the "valley" make me wonder if my parents felt the same way when my brother and I left the nest. Granted, we went to college locally, but once I left for my freshman year, I didn't live at home again even during the summers.
If my mom was heartsick, she hid it well. Of course I think it helped that she was working at the college I attended, so she could still look after me in a sense.
I have no doubt that you have done a great job with your kids and that you send them into the world ready to make it a better place.
And you will still be a big part of their lives. Just yesterday I was on the phone with my mom and brother via a conference call while all of us looked online at cars for him. Virtual family car shopping!
And if your kids are anything like me, they will realize just how precious "home" is after spending some time away and on their own and appreciate it all the more.
Have a blessed day! Here's to hoping you emerge from the valley victoriously soon.
Edie ~ I have been so encouraged anad challenged by your 'transparent journey' here! I also agree that your efforts to love and train your children have not be in vain and that your home will always be their home too.
Praying for you during this journey ~
Praying for you during this valley time. Love the quote~so beautiful and meaningful.
oh my friend…we are having some of those moments in our nest as well. Some times life is just so…hard. What would we do without Him?
Praying for you!
You have been on my mind today as I dropped my first born off for kindergarten this morning. He will be gone 5 days and week, 7 hours a day and this just doesn't seem right.
Though our valleys are different, your words today were especially poignant for me. I wonder if your emotions will be my experience when my little birdie flies the nest….I have a sneaking suspicion that they will be.
Praying for you and all moms who are struggling with changing seasons….
I have to be honest and say that your beautiful blog with its gorgeous pictures of your beautiful family and lovely home.. well it's just so perfect in appearance, which makes me respect your posts so much more. You could easily hide your struggles from your readers but you don't and I love that so much. Your transparency is refreshing and inspiring.
I will not only pray the prayer that you shared with us but I will continue to lift you up as you walk down this road. May the Lord bless you greatly during this time of change.
thanks . . . and can't tell you how much i needed to hear that.
may you be blessed for blessing us. š
I have never 'cared much' for written prayers – but WOW that is a great prayer. Someone wrote that specifically for me. Life is not easy – but it sure looks easier for other people, doesn't it? I said a prayer for you. Try not to get any deeper into your pit – be sure and exercise, eat healthy, and pray and read your bible ALOT. "Change" can sometimes be a real bummer. "The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him."
Loves to my dear friend Edie!
Dixie Chicks – what a beautiful trio! This week I have been going through a bit of a valley , there is a thorn in my side. But like the Apsotle Paul wrote – "His grace is sufficient for me and when I am weak He is strong"! Be encouraged, when you are weak He is strong!
Lot's of Love
Sarah xxx
In a landslide here of my own (internally.) Thank you for the prayer, which I'm going to print out and tuck away for myself. Blessings on you.
((((((( h u g ))))))
This is my first time to post, but I had just had to let you know how much I appreciated that prayer….it was exactly what I needed at this very moment in time! I have it printed off and on my fridge…thanks soooo much for posting that.
I am new to your blog and I love it! Your home is beautiful too. God Bless you and surround you with His peace…..kathy
thinking of you…u help me to be grateful for my litle ones…to stop and take mental pictures of this time. hugs to you!
Thought of you…
Praying for you, for His peace and comfort and grace.
Oh Edie! So much of this life is bittersweet. Our souls long for the day when the bitter will be forever gone, and only the sweet remains. Praying for you…….
oh so perfect.
i love that song…so good.
it is never easy to go through times like this.
your prayer is lovely.
He will deliver you through…i am confident.
happier days ahead. š
Edie—-How can I say it any better than the fantastic ladies above did?!!! I am praying for your heart. As mothers we are constantly being challenged and tested to see what we are made of. You are a wonderful mother and I know you will find the strength and faith to believe in how you raised your older children!! Your faith in the Lord will bless you and make you stronger!
We love you and miss you…hope you're hanging in there. š
I've been having a rough patch lately, though without good reason. I keep telling myself that this is a snapshot of one part of a long video of my life. It kinda gives me a visual of 'this, too, shall pass'
Hope that made sense and helps.
I appreciate your blog and will be praying for you.
When you posted this I copied down that prayer and tucked it into my purse..not really knowing exactly why.
Days later, I sat with my 92 year old Nana who had unexpectedly been diagnosed with late stage cancer from a visit to urgent care. We were shocked and extremely sad. While she and I sat in the car and my mom ran into the imgaing center to get copies of her catscan, I remembered this prayer and reached into my purse to read it to her. She loved it, and grabbed it quickly out of my hands, holding it to her heart.
Thank you for posting that. It made a difference in our lives. It comforted when we were in darkness.
May God bless you as you travel in your own valley.
Thank you for posting this. It was a prayer I needed.