2. I went to a homeschool conference yesterday for the sole purpose of buying books without tax or shipping and at 10-20% off. I took Nicholas and the girls with me. Nicholas was wearing a DEEP cut V-neck t-shirt with a skull on the front. He had his hat on sideways and wore Caiti’s very large white sunglasses. Did I mention this was a homeschool conference? Yeah, I was sure we were gonna be kicked out. But I managed to buy this book. You MUST read this if you interested in education. My blog friend Jessica introduced me to this Thomas Jefferson Education with this audio file. PLEASE, you must listen and read. It will change the way you look at your children’s education.
I promise to stop stalking them now, but I’m so happy that one of my blog friends might be able to spy on see them in Ohio.
How about 'gracefully said'—-seems I've thought of that once before!
Aha! I knew there was more than ONE reason I loved your blog! You share the name of a favorite aunt of mine who is NEAR and DEAR to my heart! Mmmm, hmm…I told you that you rocked! LOL! Have a great weekend!
I chuckled out loud with the glasses and shirt at the homeschooling conference..we need a picture!
sandy toe
Grace Notes~the "ornamentations" in the music of life and home…
Love this post…those signs are fab.
How about Found By Grace.
Hi Edie.
All of the names are great. I like Finding Grace, and I agree that Found by Grace is good too. Searching for Grace, maybe.
Either way I am off to check out your fav.'s.
BTW: I would love to see a photo of the outfit too. 😉
Uh oh – I'm late for the paint party. I just wanted to thank you for your motivation to complete a project.
gracefully said is good.
i thought links in grace.
enjoyed your friend's blog! added her to my reader.
You're wise to have a spy…I'd probably do the same. I'm telling you, I love Nicholas' gettup. LOL, he has such a sense of style. Actually I think it's so great you two are hanging out this summer. It makes me wish one of my fun nieces or nephews would come live w/ me. I can't wait to get back to Utah in a few weeks so I can hang with them for a few weeks. They keep us young! Love the picture in my head of y'all at the h.s. convention.
Thanks for the blog shout out again. If I don't h.s. this year I'm SO glad I have the Thomas Jefferson method to keep me inspired to 'afterschool'. We'll still do tons of fun field trips and activities…the best part of the TJED method is they won't even realize they'll be learning!!
Here's my suggestions to your ?:
A Graceful Glimpse
A Graceful Gander
Gandering Gracefully
A Graceful Glance
Glancing Gracefully
In any combo.
Have a great weekend Edie!
Gracefully said is perfect!!
OK, I JUST read about your son's band–only a couple of days behind! Sorry. They're coming to Greenville, SC?? Where in Greenville??? I live in a suburb of Greenville! But the concert starts here in 10 minutes!! And I don't know where to go! Oh, such a bad bloggy friend! I am sorry, chickadee! Call me if they need anything!! Email me at scrunnermom@gmail.com, and I'll give you my number if you need it! Oh, I am bummed!!
If you have found wonderful things to share with us, I think you should call this feature "amazing grace".
OK, I'm narrowing mine down…
Gandering Gracefully.
That's it and I'm sticking to it.
Grace to Share
Grace to Spare
How about Grace Filled Living… what do ya think??
I love all of your posts that I read. . .so many of them make me think more deeply about my faith and beliefs, and where they are grounded. . .
My suggestion for your title. . .Grace in life. . .
Have a wonderful day!
saying grace…
thanks for the links!
Oh girls, I love them all! I guess I'll have another week or two to decide! Thanks for all the wonderful suggestions!
"Gracefully Seen"…
Graces Greats
Graceful words
graciously perfecting
grace in your face LOL
graceful ipsissimis verbis
Grace Literally