You can see my inspiration picture here. What I really wanted to do was hang ‘faux’ board and batten and paint the walls. But when Stevie said to me “Step away from the paint brush,” I figured I should listen. At least for now. So to jazz up, or ‘cottage’ up my living room, I embarked on a picture wall adventure. I did not buy any new frames for this project. I shopped the house and found a wealth of treasure in a box that I brought home from my medical practice two years ago. There was no shortage of frames and certainly no shortage of pictures in this house. Now, they’re all in one place.
I’d also like to find a fig tree or something similar to decorate the book stacks , but for now magnolia branches work perfect.
Maybe I should remind you of the ‘before’ picture. Obviously taken at Christmastime.
I wanted something ‘black’ on the wall, so I wrote my favorite passage of Eight Cousins on a little chalkboard and hung it as the anchor.
And since we’re running out of bookshelves, these stacks of books are the perfect solution.
That looks great! I love walls of photos. I really need to do that- I have this one wall that is totally empty. So how long did it take to write that quote and it fit?
I have been looking for something to hang over my bed. This will be great, thanks for the idea,
It turned out great. I love the new look and just so you know yours is better than the model! It makes me want to jazz up my ‘wall of fame’ in the guest room. I also have a huge wall over my stair case that is in need of serious help. So far it’s got 2 huge collage picture frames that are off center and hung way too low, (and have stayed like that for 1 1/2 years.) Thanks for the inspiration.
Just wonderful!!! I don’t usually like photos on the wall, however, when done in groupings in similar frames with regular pictures and other forms of art mixed in….. well it’s just the BEST!!! Your stacks of books look fantastic too. This looks like a designer did it and I LOVE the extra personality it brings to your room. GREAT JOB!! This was even more impressive by the fact that you didn’t have to buy anything new to do this.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!!! Fabulous job!!!
Many Blessings!
OH my I love it! It’s absolutely fabulous!!
Looks great – love the black. I am posting a small wall of bird prints in tomorrow’s
OH MY GOODNESS that wall looks so fabulous!!! I need to start collecting frames so I can make my own! I can’t get over how PERFECT it all looks! Great job!!
Bravo, Edie! It is quite a dramatic transformation. I was thinking about doing something similar in my homeschooling room with {copied} photos of great historical figures, nature, music sheets, bible verses and art, but {like most of my ideas} it is just floating around in my head. This may give me the inspiration to bring it to life!
This turned out great! Congrats on the cozy cottage-ing up of your living room! The black is very striking and yet it doesn’t look formal and off-putting — it just looks yummy~!
Love it!!!!
it’s wonderful. now i want to do it! is there a special way you laid everything out before you started hammering nails? i’m more of a hammer first, ask questions later kind of gal.
Kelly, Five times to be exact!
Chickadee–Hammer first, ask questions later!
I do love the different size and type of frames and that’s it’s not symmetric. I even nailed ‘hangers’ onto some frames that were probably never meant to be hung and it seems to have worked just fine. I also tried to edit some of the photos so that they were more ‘artsy’ looking. It’s a very intriguing wall and looks better in real life. It’ll give my ‘graduation open house guests’ lots to look at while I’m running around trying to make sure everything is done!
Oh it turned out really cute! I love the chalk board. I can’t wait to come look at all your cutie and artsy pictures! What a difference from before to after – that after wall totally belongs! now enough playing for me…onto videos…i’ve got about 20 minutes…. 🙂
Awesome..I have been trying to put together a wall like this forever! I am half way done…ugh
Just lovely!
I LOOOOOOVE your house so much! Can I move in please?! Free pics to the family any day of the week 😉 wink wink
hehe. 🙂 On a serious note, I think a wall of pictures is a must for any home. That makes it a home in my humble opinion!
Oh my..
I just love it! Love it. Love how you manage to keep those cottage-y cool colors so warm and inviting. Love that all the frames and photos/inserts are different-makes them really pop! Love that center chalkboard quote-fab idea! So fab, I see a chalkboard somewhere in my near future..LOL! Honestly I could just look at these pictures all day.
thanks for the awesome inspiration!
Beautiful! I can imagine hours spent gazing at that wall!! Thanks for the inspiration!
Wow! Great job. Did you mean ‘wall of fame’ or ‘wall of frame’?? Sorry, couldn’t resist. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Looks wonderful…you have inspired me.
sandy toe
The wall looks great! I don’t currently have a wall of fame, but I plan on doing so once we move into a real house!
Well girl, this looks fantastic!!! I love it mucho grande!!!!
I don’t have a wall of fame, rather a hall of fame; which I do need to add to.
Lovely lovely
i think it looks fabulous!! I may have to steal that idea for our hallway…!! 🙂
Beautiful! I love the idea of a wall of fame. Yours is just perfect.
OK you have totally inspired me. Thanks! I have this perfectionistic problem that I don’t want to hang anything until I figure out which ones are the “perfect ones” with “perfect frames.” You know the feeling? So instead my walls are far too plain…until now, anyway! There’s always hope for me. I love how yours turned out!
Love it and …after alot of prayer and research and then…reading your blog. I finally have my answer to home school my two 5 year olds in August. Thanks for your positive attitude and encouragement. If you could give me any advice, what is the one thing I should know before August?
It turned out gorgeous! And so full of personality and I’m sure special memories. My wall will be a work in progress for who knows how long. I’m baby steppin it!
I love the wall. I love the feel of the entire room!
Great. Now that you’ve finished that, you can come to my house!
I make a mean pot of s’ghetti. 😉
Your wall looks fabulous! I kinda expected it would. I have a wall of photos, but it’s much smaller than yours. I do intend to add more as time goes on.
One thing that surprised me was that you don’t have a “W” on your wall. I know that you have that letter scattered about your home. I included a large silver letter “K” on my wall. (My frames are all silver-colored.)
Did I mention how great it looks? Your whole home looks so inviting and comfortable. Like I’ve said before, your beautiful home is a reflection of your amazing personality.
It looks great!! I think I might try this in the playroom…if you come help me get over my fear of nailing in the wall multiple times…not perfectly spaced or even…I wore the pin today and received multiple compliments (which never happens to me!). Have fun at bookclub tomorrow!!
You did it again! you somehow managed to inspire us all while caring for your home and family…YOU ARE GOOD!
Im wondering, if after hearing people keep saying “I have a wall like that.” and “I should do that..” Do you need another Mr. Linky party.
I dont ahve any walls left. There are very few walls and a lot of bookcases goig on in these parts 🙂 Im thinking about clearing some space…
I don’t have one but now I want one!
Hi Edie, as always you did a beautiful job! Thanks for sharing your projects. You keep me motivated! Keep up the great work! God’s blessings 😀
Looks gorgeous! I love pictures…what a great job!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
I love that! I had one, but took them down to paint a couple of years ago, and haven’t redone it. I love it!!!
Great job-and good balance!
I love it Edie! And to answer your question, yes I do and it is one of my favorite projects ever. Isn’t it amazing the changes you can make just by shopping your own house?
They look great, good for you….I love a walls of photo. I like the chalk board and what you did with that…I just may have to copy….please!
I love it! I do have a wall of pictures and love it. I like when people come over and they look at all the pictures. 🙂
Have a lovely day,
I notice the “Count your blessings” placque made it in to the mix. Very, very nice!
Hi Edie, I found your blog awhile back while searching for Knoxville area bloggers. I am new to the area (Sweetwater)and have LOTS to learn about this part of the country, as well as so many beautiful things to see. I absolutely love your home! You are such an inspiration to me. I do not know the “why to’s” of you leaving your medical practice but certainly know the importance of rearing up children in these days and times. I do understand the fast-paced invironment of a Physician’s office, as I was the Admin Asst to my hometown’s BUSIEST doctor for 11 yrs. God has blessed my husband and I with a 100 yr old farmhouse that needed someone to love it and give IT a home! I am currently working on a Wall of Frames…still editing pictures. That is SO difficult because I think they are ALL too good not to include (typical mother/grandmother syndrome) Anyway, you seem so precious and sincere and I do wish you much success with your home remodels and thank you so much for sharing them with all us bloggers. Blessings from my home to yours.
I love it – it looks GREAT.
I LOVE your wall of frames! I have always wanted to make one for an empty wall I have but have always been too “scared” to try incase it all goes wrong and looks horrible… but your wall has inspired me to give it a go 🙂 Thanks!!
Love what you’ve done with your wall! Such great inspiration. I especially like the chalkboard in the middle. Adds so much charm! Thank you for sharing.
Marie @
Wow, your wall of photos is awesome. You have so much there, but it doesn’t look too busy, just right.
hi, would you mind sharing the quote that is handwritten on the chalkboard? it is the perfect touch to the wall of pictures. absolutely love it!
hi, love this wall. just wondering, could you share what the quote on the chalkboard is? i love the way it looks and it is the perfect addition to that wall. it really makes it special and unique.
hi, love this wall. just wondering, could you share what the quote on the chalkboard is? i love the way it looks and it is the perfect addition to that wall. it really makes it special and unique.