And I hear you whispering about the oil painting that’s leaning against the bed. I like it there. Just leanin’……just taking a break from the hard, busy world. My sister will have no patience for such nonsense. She’ll offer to hang it for me. She’s one of those people who’d you’d definitely pick first if you were gonna be stranded on a desert island. She just has good sense and knows how to use all manner of power tools and even hung bead board in mother’s bathroom by herself. I’m sure she could start a fire with a piece of flint and a rock. Yeah, she’ll want to hang that picture and then offer to install an outdoor lighting system before she heads home. But I digress. What do you think? Hang it or lean it?
Your picture is darling and you are beautiful! How about “If I had a Million Dollars” by Bare Naked Ladies? Good luck with finishing your to do list.
The lyrics to “I Hope You Dance” by Lee Ann Womack nearly had me crash the car the first time I heard it. I immediately thought of my youngest son, burst into tears and had to pull to the side of the road. We danced to that when he got married a few months later. The song that I associate with my oldest son is “Forever Young”. He will be 38 this summer but in my heart is is forever young. (Excuse me while I go sob for a while…!)
100 years by Five for Fighting. Seriously – if you need another. (I came out of blog stalking for this! And on a side note, I totally love your blog and your thoughts, your love for your family and for God. Thank you!!!)
I ditto Ruth…your picture is darling and you are beautiful! Check out “what a wonderful life” and it’s many different versions. Other than that I have exhausted all song ideas I have ever had! (and My Wish still makes me tear up.) I have cried and laughed and cried again all weekend with Drew;s video – I have been putting off mom and drew pics – I don’t know if I’ll make it through those. Have a great day Miss Edie
Oh you girls are precious! And it’s so obvious to me when I read this post this morning that I wrote it at 11:30 at night in a ‘video-fog’. Why can’t I get any clarity on finishing the pesky thing? I do my best work under pressure. Surely it’ll all come together.
I’m off to listen to songs and take vows against mascara! And go to the grocery store. And spring clean Taylor’s room. And put more clean sheets on more beds. And rearrange some more furniture. And do more laundry. And start the master ‘to do’ list. And call the plumber. And the carpet cleaners. And the handy man……
Now I see why I can’t finish the video! love you all!
First off, the guest room is fantastic, and the picture leaning is totally your style, but if it will bother sis then maybe you could lean it somewhere else while she is there? My guess is that she will be so busy keeping you sane and helping you get ready for the BIG DAY that she may not even notice.
Also, I love the pic of you. You are beautiful and I think laugh lines on a face are a beauty mark of sorts. They prove how much smilin’ you do.
You already have the 2 songs I would have suggested so I am no help there. I’m sure it will be so special. Good luck on your to
do list!
Oh – I love this post even if you think you were in a video induced fog. I think that every morning when I wake up and read all my posts that I type at 11:55 to hit publish at 12:00. 🙂
And on a superficial note – don’t take a vow against mascara, just go get the waterproof. That stuff never comes off. 🙂
Find your Wings by Mark Harris is a great one- we used it at my brother’s graduation and cried…
My favorite “looking back at old pics and crying” song is “These are the Days” by 10,000 Maniacs. Absolutely perfect for video montages for anyone!!
Good luck.
Love the room, by the way. And you should see the pictures I have leaning in my living room. Too lazy to hang them, but now I can call it intentional!!
There You’ll be – Faith Hill
Don’t Blink – Kenny Chesney
Beautiful Day – U2
Little Wonders – Rob Thomas
I would hang the pic. I have always loved that room! Have fun with your sister. I hate graduation season, it sends me into a depression. I think I’m still emotionally scarred from when my older brother graduated and he and all his friends left on 2 year missions! It was the saddest. Good luck this week Edie. You’re the best and you’ve raised one amazing young man!
oh, edie! you always make me smile! thanks for including us all in your life. i’ll be sending telepathic fairy dust to soak up your tears friday…
so much to comment all over, but then, i would be posting on your blog! i just used ‘breathe in breathe out’-but different- on my blog. yours is the romantic, heart-achy one (which i love); mine was-i’m.so.stressed.i.can’t.breathe. one. 🙂
so, now that that animal print chair is THERE, what will we sit on durin book-club? 🙂 love the room, anyway-the color is great!
Hi Edie, I know this one is old school. But, have you thought about Carol King's, Child of Mine? It makes me cry big crocodile tears every time I hear it. Good luck with everything and let us know what music you end up using. You know we're nosy like that! ;> God's blessings on your busy week.
Two songs come to mind:
Rock and Roll Lullabye, BJ Thomas
In My Life, The Beatles.
Yeah, I know it’s old school but the lyrics on both are awesome!
Loved the room.
I feel like crying and just sitting with a cup of tea just HEARING about the songs….How are you decorating and hostessing and…ooh….
I love Darjeeling adn despise Earl Grey..I think I like your nephew too 🙂 I love the way that you appreciate and bring the best out of people 🙂
I liked the picture of you too 🙂 My second thought though, was that Country Girl has a shirt like that. Because Im in tight with you both and know your closets’ contents..WHATEVER!
When I read the title “These Are the Days” I actually yelled out loud–must include that one 🙂
In our hosue right now we are having major plumbing issues and a family wedding and sick babies on top of the normal life’s busyness-I could scream or curl up in a ball..hang in there Edie and I’ll be praying that you ahve the presence of mind and calmness to enjoy it all and everyone…
The picture is fine and great either way. I don’t know if this is a problem for you ladies–but I would kick it down i the middle of the night. A house full of people waking up to shattered galss in the dark 🙂
I agree with Susan and vote for “I Hope You Dance.” There are so many wonderful songs, but this song completely encapsulates my dreams for my girls.
) I LOVE the new bedroom look and I’d leave the picture just leaning too. I do that with my framed pictures and it drives my mother [and artist] totally bonkers. She too is forever trying to hang up what I leave leaning! Too funny that we have that in common.
2) I wish SO much that I could come take your portraits for you!!
3) I am glad I am not a mother, I don’t envy you the job of having to see your son graduate. It must be hard. I can only imagine! I hope you are able to cherish each and every last moment with him though!
Kite – U2
love the room
The song that always brings tears to my eyes (especially at weddings)?
Sunrise, Sunset… from Fiddler On the Roof
Godspeed by the Dixie Chicks is a really great song….a mother singing about her son. Also this is the first time I have commented on your blog, but I read it all the time. Thank you! I love it, and I am so glad to find other Christian mothers who are so open with their devotion to God and family!
Loved this! The burlap bedskirts are just too cute! You are one creative Mama and just beautiful (love the picture!) Can’t wait to see the new do on the blog. My blog IQ is less than yours!!
Can’t wait to see your blog redo- I LOVE blog redos!! I hate taking profile pics now that I upgraded my camera- more detailed isn’t always better- especially at this age! lol. Which is why mine has a Christmas tree in the background. Good Luck with the rest of your week and Friday!!!
1. I’ve met you. You are GORGEOUS dahling. The real deal.
2. I can’t wait for you to reveal the makeover. It’s so pretty and sweet and colorful and YOU.
3. I cannot look at those pics of your son. Because mine is turning 9 this week, and I want to cry looking at him. And my heart hurts thinking of him flying the coop. And although a think a boy never really outgrows his mom – it’s still hard to see them grow up. Even big teenage boys. 🙂
Let me know if you want to incorporate the new pic. I think it’s beautiful.
I did a picture/music video a few years ago when my oldest graduated – it was so fun, but yes, VERY time consuming – 2 of the songs I used were Wide Open Spaces -The Dixie Chicks and Time of Your Life – Green Day (I used for the highschool years part)
What gorgeous room! Lean it.
I have recently started reading your blog and want to know – HOW do you do the silver patina walls? I LOVE them!!!
I won’t be painting in this current home but hopefully in a year or two we can upgrade and I want that!
You have a beautiful family.
Hi there! Thanks for the sweet comments on my girls’ room. I love the stripes too and if you hadn’t asked me the color I used, I probably could have told you! I remember the pink, but not the green. On to other things…I absolutely love your home and the way you have decorated. It is really beautiful and I love all the lamps! Congrats on the graduation of your son, you have a lovely family!
I am in love w/ that leopard chair…do tell! I spotted it in another post too that was your picture wall/lamps. Am loving your blog, although when I try to click on your retro kitchen link it just directs me back to your homepage. I am dying to see more. THis room is lovely.