I am thankful for this place…..where I’ve had my say…….
Take all of your wasted honor
Every little past frustration
Take all of your so-called problems,
Better put ’em in quotations
Say what you need to say [x8]
Walking like a one man army
Fighting with the shadows in your head
Living out the same old moment
Knowing you’d be better off instead,
If you could only . . .
Say what you need to say [x8]
Have no fear for giving in
Have no fear for giving over
You’d better know that in the end
Its better to say too much
Then never say what you need to say again
Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open
Edie, I am so thankful for your thoughtful posts. And, I love this song!
Wow 200 posts,, congratulations!!! I’ll never make it that far but your blog inspires me ,, so thanks!
Off to make my very first wedding cake for one of my nephews,, oh the stress!!
200 posts- truly amazing! You have inspired me to start a personal blog and not to only have all my blogging fun at work.
Keep up the good work!
I’ve been reading your blog since just before you closed comments for Lent. Lurking I guess is a better word. Thank you for your sweet posts. They are a joy to peek in on. I hope you continue to hang around.
Hello, Hello, and Hello!
Thanks for opening comments back up, it was nearly killing me to read so many great posts and have nowhere to comment.
…just occurred to me I could have twittered a reply. Not smart am I. 😉
As usual this post is awesome and a good song. Thanks for blogging, you’ve brightened up my world. And congrats on 200 posts!!!
oh YAAAAAYYYY!! love the song! love your blog, as always! see you friday, 10ish! have a great day! 🙂
had to go back and even though i’m late for class, check out the video, cause ya know, i’d feel like it was left undone and i think i need another tutorial and it came out awesome and i love it and i’m sure your beautiful family does too. now, more espresso and then to the gym! 😉
i’m just doing this because i can.
I just love that slide show of all your adorable family members. What a great family you have, I feel like I’ve known you forever. I have missed the comments open too but I bet you are getting a lot done w/ them closed. Congrats on 200 posts. Hope you are having a great time homeschooling. Miss you! Jess
I think you are amazing, beautiful, extremely intelligent, really cool mom/wife/woman/human being.
Your posts throughout Lent have been very thought-provoking for me. Thank you.
Congratulations on your 200th Post!!!
Congrats on your 200th post. The pictures were amazing and said it all …funny how that works. I love your blog. I have been in a slump since the last move…just worn out after 24 years of moving around. But your words and photographs have inspired me to return to the person I truly am. I hadn’t done a single project in a year and since I started reading your blog I am doing one project a day. Thanks so much for opening your lives to us. Really looking forward to seeing you next month. Much love and blessings.
Wonderful post! LOVE that song! Thanks for all your sharing! Love your blog…
Many Blessings!
I found your blog while comments were closed for Lent. I just want to let you know I’ve enjoyed more posts than I can name in this space. So, I need to say, thanks for sharing! (P.S. This is such a special song.)
200 posts since May 2008…wow. The thing is that I have been hanging on your every word, and felt fellowhship, and encouragement, and conviction….is that weird? I find myself quoting you and laughing or sharing an inside joke “between” us with my friends IRL. Then I need to explain how I know you and why they havent met you. All very surreal and odd…
Thank you for shairng of yourself and your family and for honesty and lack of pretnetion….You ARE better than me at so many things, but instead of rubbing my nose in them you have inspired me.
I have an idea for a Mr. Linky project for you 🙂 I was reading your Typical Day of Homeschooling last night and was very encouraged by it….other people said they wanted to share theirs…could you give us all a warning to get prepared and then we all link our days and see how things work out in the homes of your circle of cyber freinds?
I laughed my head off at where your name came from- you’re a hoot. Glad I can talk to you again.
I love that song, as well-
Congradulations on 200 posts-It is refreshing to read your perspective on life-and grace!
Hey Edie!! I’m so glad your comments are open 🙂 !! It is always such a treat to see what you’ve posted…I even enjoy the posts that are over my head, but I especially enjoy the posts about you and your family. We are so lucky to know you guys and see in person the sunshine you bring to everything you do!!
You are dear sweet blogger and I enjoy and appreciate your blog!!! Great post.
Hi Edie! I just found your blog from lynsays banners. I {LOVE} IT!!!! Thanks for sharing your life and inspiration and humor and …..so much more!
Love the video! And I completely know what you mean about the comments and the community. I am thinking about no comments next year for Lent and would love to hear how you feel about it after Easter.
Happy 200th!
Sweet video.
Congrats on 200 post!
Lurve this song! Especially the last verse. I wanted so badly to tell you when you said you came to Bristol that we live in that area. My hubby works pretty close to KP Duty actually-small world!
Congrats on 200!
Well hello..Nice 200th post. And I echo the many others with a great big hug! Thank you for wanting to scrapbook about your life and opening that book for us all to laugh, cry, learn, relate, hope and be reminded how in this crazy world of ours were not alone. Love ya a whole bunch!
Hey Edie congrats on your 200Th post chick!!!! Love all your posts and your daily uplifting. That song made me cry, it got me thinking about my family and how life is so short. I went yesterday with my dad to the doctor so he could get checked out for a stabbing pain he has had in his head for over 2 months (he never told me or my step mom about them). So we are headed to do a MRI this week to rule out possibilities. His doctor told him it had nothing to do with his MS so if you could please say a little prayer for my dad that it is just some fluke thing and nothing serious. Thanks for being my bloggy friend!!
~Molly P
I love this song so much!
Congrats on your 200th post…woo hoo!
What I need to say is I have found a blog where a mom loves her family unconditionally. I need to say that is honorable and that your blog is one of my very favorites.
I LOVE your slideshow! Awesome! And I’m SO HAPPY your comments are open! It was like trying to talk to someone from one sided glass! Your right, comments ARE conversation!
Thanks for your awesome blog 🙂
Edie, this was FABULOUS!!! I loved the slide show, and the song was just GREAT! How very true those sweet words are! I’m so glad I found your blog. I think you are such an amazing person. . . especially after reading, what so far is, your 50 random facts about you. You and I, my friend, have so very much in common and have been faced with alot of the same problems and situations in life. You’re like the big sister I’ve never had! And, although I know we’ve made different choices it’s obvious that we both have regrets. Praise God we get do-overs!!!
Congratulations on your 200th post. I’m looking forward to 200 more!
Hi Edie,
I don’t even know you but that video made me cry! Thank you for all the great posts, I am grateful that I happened upon your blog a while back, it is def in my favs!
Congratulations on 200 posts! I so love reading about you and your family. I am looking forward to reading more random facts about you. I love the pictures and love that song!
Congrats on 200 posts! I’ve missed you! I have been reading all your fabulous posts, and there have been some really good ones, but it has been hard to not “holla back” at the end HA! I am so glad to be able to leave you a comment, just letting you know I really enjoyed the random things about you posts. It answered so many questions about how you had 2 small children and went to med school, i.e. did the impossible. Hope you have a great week!
I agree- the posts have all been tremendously well written, humurous, artsy… and no comments allowed. 🙂 You are amazing. There I said what I have to say. 🙂
“Rumah nie saya yang punya. Saya punya sukalah.” Aidid dah melambungkan tubuhnya di atas katil. Alysa menjegilkan matanya.
Magic is believing in yourself.
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