This computer screen, with all manner of half finished posts, is taunting me.
I think this ‘no comments’ thing is messin’ with my head. First, I notice that I’m a little ‘detached’ from blog world. Not in a bad way, but just, well, detached. Then I notice that I sit in front of the computer to write and……..nothing.
I got nothin’.
I mean, I got lots of stuff floating around in this blond little head-o-mine, but it is not coming out easily. I’ve started six posts in the last week that I haven’t finished. And that is so unlike me. I usually can’t narrow it down to just one topic, but for some reason, I’ve lost my mo-jo. So, until Stella gets her groove back, you’ll just have to enjoy my week in pictures.
And as you will see, I have no shortage of inspiration. What is wrong with me??
My grass seed is starting to sprout….and should be full and luscious by Easter.

My tomatoes and herbs are growing like weeds too…..I hope it gets warm soon, so these little babies can go outside.

I’ve been teaching my pupils everything from contractions to the story of Romulus and Remus and filling up these bookshelves with a few more C.S. Lewis books. I’ll soon start The Great Divorce. Read it with me and we’ll discuss.

I’ve been baking brownies and eating grapefruits and reading The Autobiography of Ben Franklin.
I’ve been mistreating my windows with some be-yoo-tee-ful linen fabric…..

and continuing my quest to spray paint everything white. Please, if you love me at all, spray paint something white this weekend. Spring will thank you.

And I’ve even been doin’ a little smoochin’…….

and bread bakin’…….

and gazing at this gorgeous set of handmade, hand-turned wooden salt and pepper mills. Thank you Uncle Troy. Surely they will inspire some writing worthy to be read.

and last but not least……. I have TULIPS! I have tulips and books and grass and basil and one smoochy husband and four delightful children. SO WHY DO I STARE BLANKLY AT THE COMPUTER SCREEN? I do not know. But until my mo-jo or my groove returns, I’m gonna keep painting and baking and reading.

And maybe soon I’ll finish that post on infant baptism…..or that one on strong-willed children….or that update on my new year’s resolutions.

My tomatoes and herbs are growing like weeds too…..I hope it gets warm soon, so these little babies can go outside.

I’ve been teaching my pupils everything from contractions to the story of Romulus and Remus and filling up these bookshelves with a few more C.S. Lewis books. I’ll soon start The Great Divorce. Read it with me and we’ll discuss.

I’ve been baking brownies and eating grapefruits and reading The Autobiography of Ben Franklin.

I’ve been mistreating my windows with some be-yoo-tee-ful linen fabric…..

and continuing my quest to spray paint everything white. Please, if you love me at all, spray paint something white this weekend. Spring will thank you.

And I’ve even been doin’ a little smoochin’…….

and bread bakin’…….

and gazing at this gorgeous set of handmade, hand-turned wooden salt and pepper mills. Thank you Uncle Troy. Surely they will inspire some writing worthy to be read.

and last but not least……. I have TULIPS! I have tulips and books and grass and basil and one smoochy husband and four delightful children. SO WHY DO I STARE BLANKLY AT THE COMPUTER SCREEN? I do not know. But until my mo-jo or my groove returns, I’m gonna keep painting and baking and reading.

And maybe soon I’ll finish that post on infant baptism…..or that one on strong-willed children….or that update on my new year’s resolutions.
Or maybe I’ll just become a photography blogger.
comments closed for Lent
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