I’m joining Kristen’s Valentine’s Party…..’cause I really love to talk about this guy! This is also a repost….from October 22. Regular posting to resume when my children aren’t up all night sick and the intervals between my coughs are longer than 10 seconds!
If he were a rock star, he’d be Eddie Vedder.
If he were a drink, he’d be scotch.
If he were a restaurant, he’d be a sports bar.
If he were a animal, he’d be a lion.
If he were a state, he’d be Montana.
If he were a animal, he’d be a lion.
If he were a state, he’d be Montana.
If he were an article of clothing, he’d be a leather jacket.
If he were a book of the Bible, he’d be Isaiah.
If he were a politician…..he’d never be a politician.
If he were a car, he’d be a Ford F150.
If he were a superhero, he’d be Spiderman.
If he were an apostle, he’d be Peter.
If he were a politician…..he’d never be a politician.
If he were a car, he’d be a Ford F150.
If he were a superhero, he’d be Spiderman.
If he were an apostle, he’d be Peter.
If he were a food, he’d be a filet.
If he were a color, he’d be black.
If he were a football player, he’d be Brett Favre.
If he were an actor, he’d be Jack Bauer.
If he were a bird, he’d be an eagle.
If he were a tree, he’d be a oak.
He is the real deal. Authentic. Strong. Fierce. Tender. Rugged. Wise. Mysterious. Reflective. Hilarious. Cautious. A man with convictions. Unafraid to be himself. Unable to be false. Ready to learn. Quick to apologize. Taking the road less travelled. And okay with it. Faithful. To. The. End.
If he were a dessert, he’d be chocolate cake. With buttercream icing. Cause that’s my favorite.
He is like fresh cool water. He is like reading Mere Christianity for the 10th time and finding new insight and truth over and over again. His hands are pleasantly calloused and his body hard and strong.
His insight is keen and his intellect sharp.
He always smiles when he sees babies. And tears up easier than you’d think.
He is the first person I need to talk to when life isn’t fair. And the first person I think of when
joy is unspeakable.
And today is his birthday.
I hope you get everything on your “wishlist” Stevie.
Pearl Jam performing “Wishlist”
If he were a color, he’d be black.
If he were a football player, he’d be Brett Favre.
If he were an actor, he’d be Jack Bauer.
If he were a bird, he’d be an eagle.
If he were a tree, he’d be a oak.
He is the real deal. Authentic. Strong. Fierce. Tender. Rugged. Wise. Mysterious. Reflective. Hilarious. Cautious. A man with convictions. Unafraid to be himself. Unable to be false. Ready to learn. Quick to apologize. Taking the road less travelled. And okay with it. Faithful. To. The. End.
If he were a dessert, he’d be chocolate cake. With buttercream icing. Cause that’s my favorite.
He is like fresh cool water. He is like reading Mere Christianity for the 10th time and finding new insight and truth over and over again. His hands are pleasantly calloused and his body hard and strong.
His insight is keen and his intellect sharp.
He always smiles when he sees babies. And tears up easier than you’d think.
He is the first person I need to talk to when life isn’t fair. And the first person I think of when
joy is unspeakable.
And today is his birthday.
I hope you get everything on your “wishlist” Stevie.
Pearl Jam performing “Wishlist”
Isa. 61:3 “That they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. They shall build up the ancient ruins, they shall raise up the former devastations; they shall repair the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations.”
.Keli. says
Edie- he sounds like a wonderful, loving husband and father! This was a great post! I’m happy for you that you have him! Happy birthday, Stevie!
Mandi says
WOW! I must have missed this the first time around. He sounds like a wonderful man and is very lucky to have a wife who appreciates everything about him, and can put it into words so beautifully!
Vintagesquirrel says
I’m so glad you re-posted this. What a beautiful expression of your love.
Funny thing – I just posted a comment on a blog at http://www.lifeingrace.blogspot.com cause I thought it was you. It’s actully a man and he’s probably going to be all “Who’s Edie?”
And, honey, I do hope you’re feeling better real soon. And the girls are sick too? Poor thing!
Luv ya, Michelle
"Hello... It's Me Again..." says
You have yourself a stud! Keep the love strong!!!
Nise' says
Wonderful tribute to your man. Hope your family is feeling better.
The Peterson family says
sure hope you all get better soon.. we are feelin it over here too.
Hi! I'm Kirsten... says
Edie, your love for Steve is downright inspiring!!
Hi! I'm Kirsten... says
I entered my last comment before saying, that I really hope you and your family feel better. I know what it is like to be sick and it’s awful. Makes everything so hard. I will pray you are all back to normal really quickly!
Amber says
I LOVE this. I’m trying not to have a crush on your whole family. Shewt, you guys are beautiful.
LuLu says
Happy Birthday to your wonderful husband!
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