For those of you who couldn’t attend Blissdom but who are interested in becoming a better blogger/writer, here’s a few things I learned:
1. Finding Your Rhythm.
Are you a daily blogger? A twice a weeker? A twice a monther? No matter what that rhythm is; try to establish one and loosely stick to it. People like knowing what to expect when they come to your blog. I have found that in my short blogging history, I already have fallen into some sort of rhythm….without intentionally doing so. I usually post 5x per week. On Mondays, I have often posted prayers. On Tuesdays, I’ve done food. On Wednesday/Thursday, I have tackled more serious topics like theology or homeschooling. I have posted lots of pics on Friday or participated in link parties and on the weekends, I often do book reviews or decorating extravaganzas.
I think I will try to be a wee bit more intentional and try to loosely follow my own rhythm more often. That said, I have ADD and am very spontaneous… just as soon as I commit in my mind to doing food on Tuesdays, I rebel and say to myself “Well, what if I don’t want to do food this Tuesday….or what if I do something exciting on Tuesday and want to blog about that instead?” Long story short, it’s my blog, right? So I can set some kind of writing schedule and then change it when I want to. Would you like knowing that if you came to my blog, say on Tuesdays, you would always find a cooking tutorial or a recipe? What do you think about rhythm? Do you like reading blogs that are very predictable? Would you consider setting a schedule or rhythm to your writing?
2. Finding your niche.
This was the hardest one for me? What do you want your blog to be about? What are your passions? Find your ‘niche’ and go with that. The trouble is, I am passionate about way too many things. I can’t write 87 different blogs; one each for theology, homeschooling, decorating, books, my children, cooking, gardening, andsoon. I am not a niche blogger. I have a style that’s much more like The Pioneer Woman……a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I think that’s okay as long ‘as you stay true to your voice’, as we will talk about soon.
So what do you think? Do you like niche blogs better? Blogs that are committed to one thing; ie…..The Nester is a decorating blog. I love her blog and I love knowing that she’s committed to decorating. And since we’re on this subject, let me just tell you….she is darling in person. She’s is warm and friendly and kind and beautiful. The kind of person with which you have instant rapport. With the cutest black cocktail dress that you want to borrow. But I digress. I still think it’s okay not to have a niche. I’m curious about your thoughts on this though. And how in the world would my ADD self ever stick to a niche. I just couldn’t do it. But then again, I’m blogging to write. And I love writing about all the things I love. If your purpose is to sell ads and make money, then you may need a niche. But I have a feeling PW woman is doing just fine.
3. Finding Your Voice.
This one sounds esoteric but I think I get it. Be true to yourself. If you’ve let your readers get to know you, they know ‘your voice’. Which thankfully is why when my email was hacked into, people didn’t send money to England. They know my voice. And I don’t say ‘Best Regards’. People are forgiving on grammar and niche and rhythm if you’re true to who you are. So apparently, I can keep on leavin’ the g’s off the ends of some words, because I tend to write like I talk. Unless I’m writing a more serious piece then I tend to be more serious about language as well. But of all the advice that I got, I felt that this one comes the most natural. Just be who you are.
Think about your blog. Have you let ‘your voice’ come through. Are you true to that?
4. Finding Your Brand.
This one I think, is a combination of all of the above. This is where the title of your blog comes into play. Does your title and tagline, “lifeingrace. living a dream we don’t deserve” , tell people what they can expect when they visit your sight? Is your ‘brand’ strong? The Nester’s sight, for example, The Nesting Place is a very strong ‘brand’……and she’s carries the ‘bird’ thing off so well. Does your blog design reflect your brand? I recently had a blog makeover and I think I like the ‘brand’ I seem to have now. It’s a blog about all aspects of my life (hence the title). I will tend to reflect thankfulness (title as well) and the whimsical design let’s you know that I don’t take myself too seriously. ( Unless I’m talking about lip gloss or lamps).
Overall, I learned alot and made some wonderful new friends. A few other tips I thought were important:
1. Take good pictures. Use flicker or some other photo sharing service instead of downloading directly to your blog. If you ever change to a different blog platform (word press or typepad), your pictures won’t transfer if they’re loaded directly into blogger.
2. Utilize social networks such as facebook and twitter. I have to say that I’ve strengthened friendships with bloggers using twitter. And I’ve seen some really heinous high school pictures of myself using Facebook. Both of these I consider a plus.
3. Don’t be ‘shy’ commenting on blogs. But don’t be compelled to leave a comment on every blog you visit. I tend to comment when I really have something to say. I love reading all your blogs, but I couldn’t read them if I always commented on them because it would take too long. And I thought a lot about how important comments are to us bloggers. And does that change what we might write or not write? I love your wonderful comments and it’s been one of the most rewarding parts of blogging, but I don’t want that to make me shy away from certain topics either. Jen at Conversion Diary closed her comments during Lent last year to re-evaluate what priority they really had in her life. I’m pondering that too. So how are you affected by comments?
4. If your desire for your blog is simply to share your life with family and friends that live far away, then ignore all of the above. It’s your blog. You do with it whatever you want. I started my blog for that reason, but it has become my outlet, my platform, to share my mind and my creative life with others. So although I am a storyteller for my family, I also want to find ways to inspire others; to use my blog to ‘serve my neighbor’. And I think that implementing some of the above tips will help me do that more effectively.
5. I violate all blog rules about politics and religion and family privacy. It’s a personal decision and so far, my family approves. I write about them because I love them. I share ‘our’ story in the hopes of helping others or encouraging them with their own struggles. I am careful to not cross ‘the line’. You know that imaginary line in the sand that we’re all trying to respect. So far, so good.
6. Some blogs are skimmable. Some invite you to sit down and read a while. In case you haven’t figured it out by now, I don’t have a skimmable blog. And I’m okay with that. I find that I like blogs that are more personal…without a lot of ads and clutter….and in general ones that don’t open with music. (I love music but I’m too distracted by it to read, so I always turn it off) I tend to read blogs where writers are sharing their hearts….and not seeking higher stats. I plan to keep mine pretty much the same. Personal. Whimsical. Informational. But not professional. I guess you have to decide that one for yourself.
Hope you enjoyed my ‘cliff notes’.
oh my…how can I even begin to this amazing deconstruction – awesome overview.
I am only responding so that people who read the comments can see how much I LOVE you IRL,- she is so the real deal, people!
My hugest regret was that I didn’t squeeze myself into a chair next to you and have more time to chit chat. When I found out you had to leave early…I WAS SO Sad! I kept thinking I had Sat. night to connect, but glad you were able to snuggle in with your blessings earlier than I did (not til late last night – ugh).
Love you – and so thankful now I have a real life image with the “brand” – hee hee. 🙂
I love cliff notes!
Thanks so much for the tips.
I have enjoyed your cliff notes. I will say this…
There are two blogs that I love…I read them before I had a blog. I have noticed though that these two blogs..have stopped talking about their families and just “life” is all about decorating and nothing else really. It has now become impersonal…I guess I like a WELL-Rounded blog…if I wanted just decorating I would go to
That’s my Monday two-sense! Please don’t stop talking about lip gloss,politics, religion and whatever else…that is You! It is what keeps us coming back for more!
-Sandy toe
What a wonderful post! Thank you so much for coming and I am thrilled you had a great time.
I hope I see ya next year, too. 🙂
xoxo, alli
thank you for sharing what you learned!
If I were you I wouldn’t change a thing. I absolutely love everything about your blog. We know by coming to your blog we’ll either be uplifted, laugh, learn or entertained (or all of the above). I’m SO glad you’re not shooting for a commercialized blog…they feel so impersonal and THE biggest thing I like about you is how you pour out your heart and soul to us without hesitation. As for sticking to specific topics on certain days…heck no! Being an ADDer myself, I too would rebel and then feel bad I couldn’t stick to it. LOVE you just the way you are. Thanks for all the advice, I will take some time to ponder what I want to acheive with my blog. It has a school name title but I certainly don’t want to just talk home school. Have a fab Monday.
So glad you had a good time and these are great recap notes. Hopefully, we’ll see you next year!!
Hey Edie!! Thanks for sharing the notes, I have been pondering on if I needed to change what I wrote about just get more people to read, because I love it when people leave me little comments. But my hubby told me to keep writing the same as I did because that was me and who I was. I love your blog and read it daily. I can always find someting to left me up when I read it. So girl keep on keeping on…. Have a fantabulous Monday!!!
~Molly P
Hi, Edie, so glad I got to meet you this weekend! And wish we could have spent more time together. I kept hearing about your blog, so I’m gonna have to visit you more. Thank you for stopping by to see me!
Your recap is perfect! I didn’t take as many notes, but it’s great that you shared.
and for those of us today so knowing what we missed…and so wanted to go….thank you for sharing your insights….and experiences..
Thank you so much for posting on this topic. I have been kind of confused as to what Blissdom was and I have only been blogging for a little under a year. Your post is pointing me in the right direction!!!
Wish I could have gone and met all of you ladies! What a special time you all had!! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
So nice to meet you at Blissdom!!
Such a great recap, thanks for sharing all your notes and thoughts! It is fun to think back on all we learned and decide what to apply, what to be inspired by and what we can just throw away because it isn’t “US.”
Take care!
You said it so perfect! My only regrets were to not stick my neck out and meet new people. I was stuck in that comfort zone and you know how that is. Neat year I hope to meet all of you and make new friendships. I love your blog and look forward to getting to know you better. So maybe next year I can leave the jitters behind. Thanks for the great reminders of all that we learned~ Susie Harris
It was so nice to briefly meet you and I love your cliff notes! Thanks for the recap! It was a great time, wasn’t it? I am completely inspired and a little overwhelmed. 🙂
And just so you know…before I posted mine, i came looking for the pic of you and me. I wanted to put you up there as one of my highlights, but decided to just stick with the few pictures that I took. Should have had you email it to me. 🙂
I’m a first timer at reading your blog and I enjoyed your report on Blissdom. Reading your article helps me write again. Some times I just need a shot in the arm.
My favorite blogs are the one’s that are a little bit of everything, so much more personal. Thanks for the recap.
Edie, you are a doll in blogland and a doll in real life. Wish we could have talked more … hugs! ♥
Excellent recap! Nicely done. 🙂 (and thanks for linking in!)
I just wanted to pop in a comment and say that it was wonderful to meet you!
Great recap! I only took a few notes so it was great to get a few reminders.
It was wonderful to meet you! I wish we could have spent more time together. The weekend flew by and before I knew it we were all back home.
I wish I HAD been there to meet all of ya’ll! I like what you have recapped though, so I’m hoping to go next year!!!
I am so glad you did this. Thank you for your “cliff notes” and letting us in on the know. You rock!!
This was a really great recap!
It’s a good point you made about the fact that you have a blog so you can write! That in itself is a niche!
I think there are two types of blogs those who who’s writing is there art and those who write about their art.
Mine is the latter and over time I have tried to write a little bit better but I’m not sure it’s working.
I also read what Sandy commented. I have no idea if I’m included on her list but as a blogger I have become increasing less comforitable writing about my family. For lots of different reasons. But it was great to hear that people want to read about that too–I so agree!
I love your blog and the new design is great. I enjoy that you blog often and that you blog about everything!! The outfit tutorials great fun as well. 🙂
Thanks for sharing you life.
WOW, this looks like it was SO MUCH FUN Edie! I’m jealous! I don’t know what kind of blogger I am. But lately I’m scarce, lol. I seriously think I have ADD because I said YES THAT’s ME through one of your ADD posts!! What was the name of your ADD book you were talking about? I was in Barnes and Noble chuckling to myself and thinking of you, LOL!!!
I need to start writing my posts in blogger when I actually have TIME instead of beign RUSHED and then post them when I’m done! Thanks for all the great tips and awesome pics 🙂
Edie, it was so good to meet you this weekend. And for what it’s worth, I think you’re on just the right track–follow your gut instinct in the blog department! 😉
Thanks for the rundown on the finer points of blogging. This is my first time on your blog, but I have to agree that I love blogs that have a little bit of everything. I’ve tossed around a few different ideas for my blog, but keep coming back to the “whatever mood I’m in” approach. I’ll be back to visit!
I think I am more of an ADD blogger too, yet if my meals depended on it I’d put more time and thought into setting it all up to appeal to the masses for cash. I really am a random blogger, I have journaled my life for years and just recently fell into the on line blog world. I have really enjoyed other journals and have gleaned so many fun ideas from so many on here not to mention all the wonderful friendships I have fallen into here as well. I have to be honest and say that some on here that I really enjoyed visiting I don’t visit as much any more. I feel as though I am being targeted for money now with all the ads on some of the pages. I don’t know, maybe it is just me but I have always hated being invited over to someones house for dinner just so they can sell me something and make money off me. To me that isn’t being really there for the person, but for yourself. I maybe reading some of them wrong but I kind of don’t like it. Your post was very informative and I was wondering what this Bliss gathering was all about. I think I’d feel more like reading your random blogs about daily events in your life and things you are interested in. You certainly wouldn’t have to have order in your journals to attract me. If I were you, I’d keep it the same here..keep it real and keep it you.
Interesting notes – thank you for sharing some of the things you learned. It sounds like a good time was had by all.
How neat to have friends that blog too and that you could travel together to the conference.
Love the cliff notes… especially since I was too into the panels to take notes myself ;)!
Such a fun weekend. Experiencing Blissdom withdrawal.
ps- I totally agree with you on the music! I had to take it off of my blog because I was AVOIDING opening my own blog, LOL!!!!! Not good! 🙂
From someone who didn’t get to go to Blissdom – THANKS for the AWESOME cliff notes!! Lots to think about and great info!!
I’m currently working on a blog facelift – I feel like mine is too cluttered.
Thanks for making me feel better about not finding a “niche” exactly.
I’d LOVE to go to a blogging conference, but I need to figure out how to explain to my hubby that I need to go!
Oh, and I totally agree about the music on blogs—SO distracting to me, and even if you turn it off, every time you click on another page, you have to turn it off again—big turn off to me!
I’m add you to my feed!! Love your blog!!
Thanks so much for sharing all this info. I feel like I sat through a session and I didn’t even attend. This is so helpful and stuff that I’ve been wanting to know. Not that I’ll probably ever implement any of it because blogging is really just an outlet for me, but should I ever have a lot of spare time and inclination on my hands, I will know what to do now! I appreciate your brevity and clarity with this info- and of course your wit.
I enjoyed your Blissdom recap, and I’m not even a blogger. : )
I read some blogs specifically for cooking or decorating, but I like the way that you cover a variety of areas. I’m surprised that you don’t post on health more often, given your background.
I had a rthym going for a while, but then life got busier and now it’s been (gasp) a week since I’ve even been online… will figure it out…
Comments: I love them for the conversation- for me blogging is more of a mdern day sewing circle and comments support that.
Niche- I used to be all encompassing, until I started homeschooling. Then I found that I wanted to be more subject specific when labeling my “homeschool” posts (ie: deschooling, unschooling, etc.) and I also wanted to post more homechooling stuff than my life blog would allow without losing it’s subject proportion. So I started another blog, although now I question the wisdom in that… I have less time, more to do… I’m thinking on it…
And pictures- good tip!
All that said. I like YOU and YOUR BLOG just the way they are. I know your voice and I enjoy hearing it- on all matters, big and small.
well… we love your blog… you have certainly found your niche!
loved all your tips… thanks for sharing!
i think i might be all over the place on mine… but then again that’s me! 🙂
OH, I loved your deconstuction! Thanks sooo much for sharing it with those of us who weren’t able to attend. I really appreciate all the blogging help I can get!
My biggest struggle with blogging is the guilt I feel for not having the time to visit and comment on everyone’s blog who comments on mine, plus look at and comment on all the other wonderful blogs out there. My family already thinks I spend too much time at the computer!
I happy for you! It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!
i don’t think i have a niche either. thanks for the recap though. i’m always up for the condensed version.
Oh I am so glad that you did a review. I went to the Maven session and desperately wanted to know what the other session was doing. You were so kind to share. I loved the conference and was sorry I didn’t introduce myself to you.
Thank you so much for some much needed information. I just started a blog and have been trying to plan on what I’m doing and where I’m going. Your post really helps with some long term suggestions.
edie- blissdom sounds like a complete blast. i am so glad you got to get away and have some fun girl time!!! thanks for the shortened version for those of us who didn’t go. sounds like next year, they need to feature “life in grace!!!!”
i love the way your blog is.. just you and the personal touches that make it you. i for sure think you have found your “niche.”
Thank you so much for posting such wonderful information. I am noramlly a pretty organized and productive person. I have just started blogging and organization of thoughts is not my thing here. This helps me so much. God Bless.
Daggum it, you’re another friend I NEEDED more time with; after reading a few of your posts, this I KNOW.
We’ll continue to stay in touch (I hope), and I mainly popped over now ’cause I’m writing a recap post and you’re in a piccha–had to get your link!
Loved meeting you; you’re a voice that needs to be heard! (Hope you don’t mind, since I was “here” I linked your post to a Mr. Linky at my site 🙂 ).
Robin @
I don’t know if we met-met, but I remember you. I remember thinking what a beautiful woman you are. And now your blog shows even more of that beauty. I would love to get to know you, so I’ll be back!
I think I have a couple pictures of you in the flickr pool. Will you add yours? I hope so!!
i just read this one edie… and what’s this? i can leave a comment?!?! lent isnt over, is it? maybe you won’t see this until later? anywho, i find all of this info so helpful. continuing to grow…. p.
Great tips! I never knew there were conventions for bloggers! Wow! Just found your blog yesterday and it has been a fun read. Love your turquoise armoire…off to Home Depot today!