We’ll get to the laundry room soon, but let me show you a few details that you might miss otherwise……this little cutie was sitting on my washer today. I can see why. I just wanna sit in there too. It’s so inspiring.
This is my new motto for laundry in 2009. Very original, I know. Cindy? Cindy has agreed to be my laundry accountability partner….to keep laundry from loitering in the laundry room. It’s a little like the blind leading the blind, but at least I’ll want to sit in there now. That’s a step in the right laundry direction.
and this little bird and starfish ditty just adds the milk to the oreo……
I’ve been looking for the perfect place to feature this beautiful bird that Denise made me for my birthday. Perfect. And thank you kindly Denise.
And Emme wanted to make sure you saw her new skirt….that we finished sewing today. Let it be declared: A seamstress I am not.
I framed the no.6. I do not know why. But I like it.
Elea Grace is pulling on my arm and wants me to remember to show you her skirt too. Cute huh? Albeit a little short. And hence the leggings.

I then took this pom-pom trim (from Hobby Lobby) and used the same upholstery nails to add it to the top and cover up my unfinished fabric. I took the rest of the trim and tied it around the fabric about 1/3 of the way down from the top. I added a tassle to consummate the love fest between the fabric and pom-pom trim. Notice that I hung the mistreatment about 10 inches above the top of the window to lengthen the look. The Nester will have to look on and be proud. And although I’ve been mistreating windows for years, I feel like she gave us all needed permission to do it with pride. So thank you dear Nester.

Fabulous! I love all the different colors. I really like your shiny finish on the black, I say that because the black cabinets I painted didn’t turn out shiny enough. You are so smart to paint them rather than buy new or be dumb like me and spend $4k to have someone else do it. If I’d known back then how easy it was, I would have painted my own kitchen cabinets. I’ll look forward to seeing your kitchen. BTW, love the orange washer and dryer. All the funky colors are so YOU!
Fantastic job girl! I’ve tried to keep up with you and your laundry room adventures and have loved reading what you have written about it! Way to mistreat and way to embrace the truth that it doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful!
What an encouraging post!
Favorite part: hanging something over the hole in the drywall!
You have the most macked out laundry room ever. . . and I love your phrase . . . just do it! It looks GREAT!!
Don’t you just love that feeling you get after finishing a project?
What a great job, Edie! It all looks amazing and fun. I want to do laundry there!
Looks great and what a nice big laundry room. Mine is so tiny. But hey, at least it’s inside!
Wow – it looks fabulous! It kinda makes me want to come over and I’ll do your laundry! I love the sign and your motto is hilarious! Maybe you can get a “2 fer” out of it and do a little a load laundry then go for a run…hmmm. I love, that bird. I had just yesterday wandered over to her blog and saw one there and loved loved loved it! Tell the girls their skirts are adorable! One of these days, maybe after I get those photos organized, I’ll get inspired to paint something – maybe in that vanilla color – it is really pretty! Nice work Miss Edie!
the laundry room looks great-love the cabinets and the laundry-just do it sign(s). that’s the motivation i need! you are so right about staying home to get things done. never home, and things are never done! thanks for the link, and remind me to tell you of my love-affair with oreos! 😉 (dbl-stuffed is better!)
ps: is it a common trait that bloggers don’t sleep?!
I love the cabinets!! So seriously perfect!!
I so love this room. It gives me motivation to tackle mine. I think. You are a great designer. Can’t wait to see the kitchen.
BEAUTIFUL! And I am loving that you are admitting to everything else being undone. What a gal! It looks FABulous!
I LOVE it! It looks so “Edie” now. I think my favorite part is that fabulous sign over the washer and dryer, and of course your logo. I may attempt to paint some cabinets soon, dum dum dum.
Also wanted to let you know I gave you the lemonade award on my blog. You deserve it!
It looks amazing!!! I love all the colors you always have going on. Everything is so bright and cheery.
SO, I just read my husband the part about “husbands not liking the idea of painting cupboards”. He said,”Ya, but who’s going to be doing the painting?” Well, he’s a better painter than me….
Inspiring! I love all of the colors! Can’t wait to see the kitchen redo!
Looks wonderful!!! I love the curtains..so creative and a perfect touch!!! Such a fun laundry room…you may even like doing a load of underwear in there!
-sandy toe
Awesome job & I love that you shared your adventures in completing it…it's like HGtv in a blog…I've said it before..I just LOVE makeovers!!
I’m so anxious to move and start doing fun projects of my own again I can hardly breath!!
Wow! That bird sure is cute! 😉 So glad you planned a whole room around it! 😉 Cabinet redo made a huge difference in the room with those orange appliances. Love them!
That last comment was not from Kelly! She–as other members of my family have done–has hijacked my identity!
I am so in love with your laundry room, I’m coming to live in it. You have totally inspired me to revamp mine…or maybe just to put away the 49 piles of clean laundry stacked in there…
Hey I put your button on my blog but it does not get me to your blog but to an error message. You might want to check it.
Oh my- that is the cutest laundry room ever! I would be so excited to do laundry and just spend time in there! When you are in San Diego – i need to put your skills to work!:0)
Your room turned out great! Isn’t it a nice feeling when it is all done and just like you imagined!
Hi Edie! You just might have convinced me I can do mine! I like the lamp by the sink. So cozy! I would want to go in there and shut the door and just hang out if I lived there. Draperies! Imagine … in the laundry room! posh girl! It makes me want them and I do not have a window in mine. Maybe a faux window is in order just so I can have draperies?
Love it! Love all of it!
Absolutely beautiful! You did a great job! I love the cabinets.
It’s just lovely! I’m a big fan of black paint! It really does look great Edie! xo Kel
It looks great…
it’s almost enough to make me ready to paint my kitchen cabinets.
The scary thing about kitchen cabinets is the thought of all those dishes and such everywhere for several days. I have very little counter space… that could get tricky. But I’m getting to the point where I’m ready to try, especially after the cover of one of my favorite magazines had my dream kitchen colors on the front. I immediately started looking and thinking again when I saw it…
I’ll let you know, wink wink. Maybe when spring fever hits? Cuz it always does…
Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness – I LOOOOOOOOOVE your laundry room Edie! Congrats on doing such a FAB job in redoing it!!! I can’t even pick a favorite part, the whole room is so great!
I don’t even have a laundry room, just a really heinous corner of our disgusting basement [hence the pile of laundry I don’t want to tackle, I fear I might get rabies just going down to the basement] but if or when I do this room will definitely inspire my own design.
OHHH and AHHH and ClaPPinG really loud! It looks fantasitc. Loving the black, love your sign, I want a sign, love your lamp. I wish I had a spot for a lamp and I of course I love the drapes and so glad they are tacked to the wall,cause I don’t sew!!!
i love it… so love it! big fan of black cabinets! great job Edie!
i have that same green bird… :)!
you know… so funny about Live Writer… when i was typing that i was even thinking… “she might have a MAC”… too funny! i do know there is one for MAC… just don’t know a thing about it… how similar!
all i know… your pics look great!
I have quickly scrolled through this post that I was so totally hoping you would do. I will be back to delve in it and all of your directions.
It looks awesome!!!
Perfection…in the way that I love the most! Sales, quick fixes, creativity, paint, all the good stuff!
And those appliances are seriously gorgeous. I didn’t know I could drool over a washer and dryer.
Scary, huh?
Hey Edie! I got my prayer book today! I’m so excited to start looking through it. I’m so thankful to have received it today:-)
I’m seeing all of these painted cabinets and it makes me want to do mine!!! Love how it turned out. I have that same Laundry sign, and it looks nicer with the paper behind–not so plain. 🙂
You rock Edie…love the look of the laundry room girl!!!
You’ve definitely inspired me. One question before I get started: How do you sand down the ridge or frame piece around the door? Thanks for the help!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Stopping by from Pink and Polka Dot. I’m speechless! I so wish I could do this in my laundry room! I drooled over PandP’s laundry room which led to me posting about my sad laundry. Now me thinks I need to get myself to a priest for I am now absolutely coveting yours!! JK, of course!!
I LOVE, I LOVE, I LOVE! Seriously, can i have your laundry room :)?????
I just found your blog and I love it. This laundry room re-do is just gorgeous! I am in the process of planning my own makeover, and this is just the kind of inspiration I need. Thanks so much for posting it!!!
I have been wanting to also paint my cabinets black. Looks terrific and easy, but did you really leave them up while you painted? The doors dont stick at all? Thanks!
That is such a FABULOUS room!
Ok, I simply had fun reading the post. You could have written about cleaning your toilet and your style of writing would probably have been equally engaging! The room looks great, by the way!