Don’t mind me. I’m just gonna practice my resizing skillz in photobucket…….
My little baby Grace is not a baby anymore….
I know you’re gonna think I’m biased, but Taylor’s band has a new CD out….which is not yet available for purchase…but which I have downloaded onto my iPod… It is fantastic. I love ‘running’ to it. It’s hard to believe that it’s someone I know and love….let alone my own son. Very surreal!
Caiti and her dear sweet friend Morgan. Caiti and I raced each other in some dandy indoor go-carts. I put up a mean fight, but she took me down. I saw her texting her victory to a friend who replied to her, “What are doing at Fun Expedition racing go-carts with your mom on Friday night?”
My mantle….which won a day of glory at Christmas….is feeling a little sad and undecorated. What should I do to it next? Although really, I do kinda like it just like this. Maybe I’ll paint it. Who knows.
The girls had to make up a sentence using the homonyms ant/aunt and deer/dear. Here’s what they came up with.
As you know, I’ve hit a little rough patch in the homeschooling. This is Stevie looking for ‘help’ for me on the board at Waffle House. I must really seem desperate. Very thoughtful though.
Maybe my favorite picture of Emme….which took up a whole page originally and then when I resized it smaller…..turned out like this.
Yeah, now I have to limit the TV time of the new puppy. He LOVES watching the Dog Whisperer.

Edie, I wish I had some sage advice regarding Photobucket, but that is completely out of my realm of expertise. I love the big stretched pics. It keeps me from having to zoom them to really see them. Good luck on your hunt for answers.
I upload all of my photos to photobucket at the 300×600 (?) size. Then they are fine for blog viewing. The only thing to keep in mind though is if you want to order prints you want to keep a set as large as possible. (So I always have two sets: the blog set and my original sized set)
That is kind of a pain isn’t it. They look great nice and big but who wants to have to make different sizes just for blogging…as if bloggin was time consuming enough. Good to know all this for when I give my blog a facelift…someday. I did see on facebook that Verity is getting there CD in Feb so I’m excited, I will be ordering one for sure. Crazy that your son is so great. 🙂
I don;t have any photobucjket advice but I am giggling at your dog watching tv because sometimes I catch Daisy watching tv. But then she looks away as if she is embarrassed to be caught.
I, too, don’t have any advice on photo size (my last post is proof of that) but I loved the photo of Steve looking for help for you at the Waffle House. That place would be PERFECT if they would add margaritas to their menu…..
so i loved your blog so much that i had lyndsay redo mine too! silly. i’m having trouble with the photobucket nonsense too, so i’m excited to read your comments here!
they look great. i would like to do that on my blog but can you with 3 columns?
the photo size thing…. urghhh!
shawn from Eclectic Whimsy shined a bright… might i add pretty… saves me OODLES of time… site!
Never have that photo problem!
WiNdOwS LivE WriTeR
free… quick… easy as all get out to download!
i… since using live write NEVER have to post through blogger! LW is genius! you get to actaully SEE how it will look (REALLY look) before posting it. i know that is what blogger preview says it does but then it comes out all messed up… right?
i was so ho hum about using it…. so glad i did! super easy to “pick up”… start… they give you CLEAR step by step directions. After doing it once… all it took!
but really just googling Windows Live Writer does the trick!
if you try it let me know… 🙂
btw… i FREAKED when i saw your new design… oh my… i love it! THAT bird! the color! so GREAT!
Hi Edie, I love following your blog. You are so real and I adore your home projects! I just have to confess, I hollered out when I saw your fireplace… as in the hubby paused the movie and the entire family had to check out my laptop screen. I have the exact same one and just posted today on my fireplace redo!!! We are meant to be virtual friends. ;> God's blessings to you and your sweet family!