So, today is Marcus’ birthday. He’s 22! We celebrated yesterday after church with one of his favorite meals……beef and chicken enchiladas with homeade queso and homeade salsa. And then of course, cookie cake. I would include some recipes but I don’t want my food in that close proximity to the Roto Rooter truck below. I’m picky like that. We had a great day and having the grandparents here made it that much more special.Why is it that everytime I’ve had to call this guy in the past few years, it’s been at a major holiday or when I’ve had company or on a Sunday or all three? Septic tank problems are not what you hope for when company’s coming. Or already present. My neighbor even called and said, “So, you had to call Roto Rooter AGAIN”. Yeah, I know I know, they just came a couple months ago. I guess we’re just crappy like that. But having septic problems is kinda funny. Bad smells bring out laughter.
At the dinner table this is what I heard:
Mexican food and septic tank troubles…..go figure!
Emme: Ewww, what is that smell?
Grandpa Eddie: That’s you girlie. That’s from where you poop in the pooper all the time.
Emme: Huh-uh, Mom is it?
Me: Yep, grandpa’s right. Not just you though, all of us. We’re all to blame.
Emme: That’s deesgusting.
Grandpa Eddie to macdaddy: So when are they coming to fix it?
Macdaddy: Well, when I tried to give the guy directions, he said he had G-P-S. I told him “good, hurry then ’cause we got a lot of G-A-S in this house right now.”
And so it went all afternoon!
I am feeling crappy this morning myself. I needed this post. You made me laugh right out loud. And I am lovin’ Grandpa. Can he come to my house for Thanksgiving?
You are so funny…things always go wrong at the worse times!
-sandy toes
Well crap! Grandpa sounds like he might be a member of my family! Hilarious! I can’t believe YOU have a 22 year old!!
If I don’t win the beautiful scarf, will you sell me one or come to Indiana and teach me how?? : )
Marcus is my beloved step son….but I do have one almost that old….and yes I will teach you to knit….maybe video blog? But you’d have to do one in return showing me that you learned how. XO
Oh you are so funny. It’s cool the way you just kept the party going and made laughter part of it. Happy Birthday to Marcus.
I like the idea you gave for the shelf. I will look into that. Thanks.
I’ll watch that knitting video!! I need a refresher course. I forgot how to make those beloved cotton washcloths. I made about five when I learned seven years ago. Now I don’t remember how. I love using them and giving as gifts. Hugs, Kathi ps I hope things smell fresher at your house today.
Oh you poor girl. The roto rooter is not a good thing to see in front of your house! 🙂
Hair balls and chili, now enchiladas and Roto Rooter. What next Edie? Just kidding that really ‘stinks’, I hate it when that happens! 🙂
The funniest thing about this post is that it is so post-worthy. A year ago, you never would have thought to take a picture of the Roto-Rooter truck. That’s what blogging does to you–everything is inspiration. Thank goodness for digital cameras. Those folks at Walmart just would not understand some of your photos! 😉
Edie, Check out the party over at Just a girl. Here’s the link, SO many great ideas for homemade Christmas gifts. Love them! I’ve got your back!
Gotcha – he’s handsome boy and you are still not old enough for a son even close to his age! :0)
Ohhh, YES! A video on knitting! That would be so awesome! My Mom would be so proud if she knew I wanted to learn! : ) And yes, I would video you back with my creation! xo