Thank you to Jessica and Keli for this award. And let me first say that I’m a little tardy acknowledging them. But thank you girls so much for thinking of me.
And to Angie for this award. All this bloggy love I’m gettin’ is great… but I’m a little technically challenged so all this linking takes me FOREVER…..and I think I’m supposed to link back to the original award givers, but that would mean my children won’t get breakfast.

For now enjoy this prayer that the girls and I read this morning before school:
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, my Savior, I approach You in this morning hour, beseeching You to let Your grace and mercy go with me through the day. Let Your presence give me the blessed assurance of Your divine protection amid dangers, guidance amid uncertainty, and strength against temptations. Bless the labors of my hands. Bless our home with your continued presence. Bless our nation, and let righteousness and peace prevail. Bless Your Church and keep her in Your word and truth. Bless our schools, and grant that boys and girls may grow in grace and knowledge of You and Your will. Remember not the sins of my youth nor my many trespasses. Bring me safely home tonight, and keep me steadfast in faith; through Jesus Christ, my Redeemer. Amen
Love to you all and have a great weekend!
Please let me know (as a very small informal survey) which of you will decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving and why or why not?
And congratulations to Angie from the above link….who is probably snuggling into her new scarf as we speak!!
Never, Mark Williams would not allow it is why. I need to take one holiday at a time. I will decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving though. Is that soon enough?
Beautiful prayer, Edie. And you deserve every award you get! xox
Last year I decorated the day after Thanksgiving for the first time ever. This year I’ll wait until my company leaves. Have a fun Friday Edie.
That prayer was beautiful, Edie! We will decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving! xo
my husband won’t let me… I think i will be putting up a few little things before he can notice though!!!
congrats on your awards – you soooo deserve them!
I loved that prayer too.
Thanks for sharing that prayer Edie, what a great thing to read every morning. I’m marking that on my favorites.
I wil probably decorate the week before T-giving, only b/c with all the driving and eating… I’m WAY too tired to do it afterward. If I waited until after Thanksgiving, I probably wouldnt get around to it until mid December!
BeAuTiFuL prayer! thanks for sharing!
our tree will be trimmed after Thanksgiving… i am SO one of those “one thing at a time” gals! 🙂
edie- fun little bloggy awards to you!!! we usually decorate and go pick out a tree after thanksgiving. this year i am scaling back BIG on the christmas decor. I may not do much at all…. even though it is so, so pretty. have a good weekend… we want to snuggle in and watch movies.
Congrats on your deserve every single one of them!!
I love Christmas but I feel that Thanksgiving is losing it’s “energy” and our “heritage” I try not to decorate till after Thanksgiving! It is an important holiday for our country and we are losing it!
But, I am all Christmas the day after:)!
-sandy toe