Our master bathroom is very roomy…..with a very small room in it where the toilette is located. I think these were the only virgin walls left in my house. Many of my walls in fact have had multiple different ‘partners’, if ya know what I mean. So, the fact that these particular walls had never even been introduced to Mr. Paint is amazing. And the truth is, I really didn’t set out to paint Ms. Toilette yesterday at all. I was all set to introduce Queen Anne Kitchen to her 5th paint color in 8 years. Don’t judge her, it’s not her fault. But the partnership wasn’t right. Not at all. It was a mistake from the first roller stroke. And we all knew it. So, being frugal and not wanting to waste Mr. Paint, I mosied around to find him another partner…..and voila! Ms. Toilette meets Mr. Churchill Ivory Paint. This tiny toilette was constuction white and I had really had done very little to decorate at all. After I painted, Ms. Toilette got greedy and decided she needed all kinds of ‘new’ stuff. Despite the fact that Queen Anne Kitchen had already had a rough day, I ‘borrowed’ a few items from her….apologizing profusely and promising her that her Mr. Right was surely coming soon. I think it turned out great!Thank you Queen Anne Kitchen for letting the young and inexperienced Ms. Toilette borrow your painting…..and your star…….
and your cross…..and your trunk……
and your pretty tassel……
It was a roller coaster of a day, but in end, Queen Kitchen confided that she’d seen Mr. Churchill’s type before…..looks good the first few months…..but then he starts to stain and show his true ‘colors’. A queen needs someone a little more traditional and stable. Like Mr. Ecru maybe. She’s holding out for her knight in stainless steel armor.
Your writing today seemed a bit Madame Bovary inspired. *wink* Love the bathroom!
Lovely powder room!!! And that painting is beautiful!