It’s almost here, the re-debut of Issues, Etc. For those of you who don’t know, this is the smartest, most confessional and wittiest christian radio around. We have posted the link to the website here on our blog (to your right, because apparently you must be smarter than us or 15 to figure out how to link it into the blog) for your listening pleasure. Issues was taken off the air about 3 months ago (March 18th on Tuesday of Holy Week to be exact) for “business and programmic” reasons (aka ….it was too smart and confessional and witty) and we have been dreaming of it’s return since that dark March afternoon. The host, Todd Wilken, is so gifted at his vocation and we have sincerely grieved this period of “silence”. We also love listening to the old archived shows, especially when Todd and Jeff (the show’s producer) banter back and forth, poking at each other , making us laugh out loud. So forgive us for our enthusiasm (Steve and Emme are praying that everything goes well Monday) but there will be a party in the Wadsworth house in 2 days 3 hours, 11 minutes, 42 seconds and counting.
The only quandry we find ourselves in is, “Should we listen to it live, but then what will we do on Tuesday for work out music on the ipod?” I think this is what Steve is pondering this very moment as he longingly stares at the Issues web site. Think we’re crazy? We haven’t been this excited since the Vikings drafted Adrian Peterson. Check it out for yourself….you’ll see.
Our girls and Scooter (who I ran over with my politically incorrect 2 ton ford excursion this week—simmer down, it was an accident and he didn’t even have a broken bone) are excited too. Can’t ya tell?
Longtime friend Dr. Phil McGraw, called Kraddick “an energetic dynamo” on the airwaves, but also described Kraddick as a generous philanthropist and devoted father to his grown daughter, Caroline.