This video is a housekeeping video where I discuss the reading list and reading in general and the prevalent misconception that I somehow get it all done. Which I don’t. And I’ll tell you all about it.
This video highlights the concept of xenia and how that is demonstrated to Odysseus from Nausicaa.
And finally, we discuss Telemachus, mostly from your insights from the forum. This is, in fact, the video in which you will have many laughs at my expense. I made this video at 8:15 PM. And I lament how late it is and how tired I am. It’s 8 PM people. I know this. Some of you were probably getting ready to go to dinner at 8 PM on a Friday night. But that’d be where you and I are like salt and pepper. I would almost NEVER plan to start doing anything at 8:15 at night except brushing my teeth for bed. A night owl I am not. But I have all kinds of fun at 5 am so whatever 🙂
Okay, hope you’re enjoying The Odyssey.
Happy weekend and happy reading:))))
p.s. I thought you might enjoy my favorite brothers as they debut their new album. Jennifer (a fellow bookclubber) made the insightful suggestion that this song would be a good soundtrack for The Odyssey. Discuss amongst yourselves and then somebody please take me to see them live.
Sophocle’s Antigone by Fagles
Plato’s Republic, translated by Desmond Lee
I am so enjoying the forum and reading everyone’s thoughts. Thank you so much Edie for taking time out of your busy life to coordinate this super book club.
I wish I could do it all but an quickly learning that is not possible. Learning to schedule my day and keep myself on task is a priority and I agree that staying home a lot is vital.
Once again, thank you for your time, insight and encouragement.
Thanks so much Edie! I would like to offer a suggestion to the readers who are having difficulty reading, keeping up or understanding the style of writing. If you’re not adverse, write in your book. Sometimes, I write bullet points , sometimes just a brief summary but it helps keep the thread of the book if you’re struggling with following along or easily distracted as well as helping with characters, themes and settings. Just 2 cents : )
You’re so right. Life is about choosing our priorities. As you say, we all have the same 24 hours in each day. Reading the Odyssey is not on my current to-do list…maybe it will be, later in life. I know it’s an important read although part of me finds it a bit unapproachable. My kids are out of the house and I’m having fun, getting ready to open a new shop, selling milk and chalk paint, along with antiques. You’re a great role model for your kids and they are so lucky to have such a wonderful teacher! Enjoy!
I have seen the Avetts live a bunch of times, and it is sooooo worth it girl! You must!! The first time I saw them was in a hole-in-the-wall bar in Charlotte, and it was just Seth and Scott playing for 25 people – we were right in front, and have followed them ever since. They’re awesome – so glad you’re a fellow fan! Now, I’m going to go read…. I’m behind.
I stayed up late and finished Book 12! Loving it so far. I can’t help but think of
Luther’s explanation of the 9th and 10th commandments in relationship to what’s happening in Odysseus’ home while he is away. “We should fear and love God so that we do not craftily seek to get our neighbor’s inheritance or house, nor obtain it by a show of right, but help and be of service to him in keeping it”, as well as “We should fear and love God that we many not estrange, force or entice away from our neighbor his wife, servants, or cattle, but urge them to stay and do their duty”.
Also, just call me “Lutheran girl” 🙂 but the whole concept of Xenia makes me think of the 1st article of the creed’s explanation. God gives us all we need “out of fatherly, divine goodness and mercy, without any merit or worthiness in me; for all which it is my duty to thank and praise, serve and obey Him”. We should practice Xenia in response to all we’ve been given…
Yikes, going to bed now!
ah, Edie, you are too kind. thank you for the encouragement : )
also, we most CERtainly need your fearless leadership in this book club–thank-you for taking the time coordinate this so well.
Aw, golly, thanks for putting this all together while the sandman was knocking on your door! Your words of encouragment are like honey – sweet liquid gold. You bless me.
Like Sarah said – we need you. Frankly, don’t we all need each other?
The beauty of community expressed in each of its parts – there’s no one like you!
Loved the videos! I did want to ask about the links at the bottom of the post…neither of them worked for me. Are they supposed to be links to the translations you are using? I would love to order October’s book, but wasn’t sure which translation to get.
Love your monogram necklace! I have one too!
This is such fun….Thanks
I am loving this! I have bored my husband to tears talking about the Odyssey and this book club. I think the videos are great and agree that there is so much more to dig into. Thank you for putting this all together. I can’t wait for the second half in a couple of weeks. What will my poor husband do until then?!
Fagles. Got it. (Sophocles Antigone)
Loving the bookclub. I did what I couldn’t while everyone was home, WATCHED THE VIDEOS. 🙂
Edie, thanks for getting us working our minds! my best friend/sista laughed when I told her what I was doing — the bookclub. but she wasn’t surprised. So thankful for good uses of the web, like this bookclub. Realizing sometimes, the reading bug is biting, and sometimes the itch goes away. Seasons of business come & go. Sometimes, getting out and ‘being with people’ when the social isn’t happening at ‘home’. I love being at home, and often have to force myself, because I’ve been ‘alone’ too long.! Thanks– prayers you’ll have a good magazine visit, it will wow & encourage other women to jump into life!! Hugs!!
Edie, is the official book list the one you posted in curriculum under your forum or the books to the right of your blog ie Dietrich Bonhoeffer, CS Lewis…and I have signed up for your book club but dont’ know if I signed up correctly? How are you enlisting folks or how are you doing the follow up on the materials? Sorry to bother, but love this idea!
So I was spending way too much time reading lots of posts and now I’m going to leave a comment here but I have a number of posts to cover. So, clearing my throat. . .
The photo shoot. BH&G! Oh my goodness, what a dream come true. You’re right–what a great way to end the story! Or to tell such a poignant part; it’ll never end.
The birthday pictures. Such fun! Your girls are just beautiful, like their mom. But I just have to say this: your eyebrows!! Wow. I have serious eyebrow envy.
And I just knew that you liked the Avett Bros. I knew it, I knew it. Their bass player and his family are part of our little church! Which reminds me that I need to send you an album that our music ministry made–Hymns from the Gathering Church. Could I please, please get a mailing address for you?
Love you, girl!
I cam across this post on Classical Literature at The Gospel Coalition website and thought it might bless you. Enjoy!
Every Grace~